Lateralidad cruzada y dificultades de aprendizaje: actividades para trabajar la lateralidad

Crossed laterality and learning difficulties

61.1kviews What is laterality? Laterality is the distribution of functions across the two cerebral hemispheres. The preference for one side of the body over the other (right or left) to perform actions depends on this distribution….

¿El TDAH aumenta el riesgo de desarrollar problemas de conducta?

Does ADHD increase the risk for developing behavior disorders?

8.2kviewsWhat are behavior disorders? Behavior disorders or problems are one of the main reasons why parents turn to health professionals. They are characterized by serious, repetitive and persistent misbehavior. It goes far beyond being a…

El deporte es el mejor aliado de nuestro cerebro

Exercise is our brain’s best ally

32.9kviewsPhysical activity and mental health It is known that exercising regularly has multiple beneficial effects for our bodies.Specifically, physical activity improveshealth and is fundamental to preventing disease. The physicalbenefits of exerciseare well known: maintaining a…

El Cerebro Sexual: Neurociencia y diferencias ligadas al sexo

The Sexual Brain: Neuroscience and sex-related differences

22.4kviewsThe origin of brain sexuality It is common knowledge that there are anthropomorphic differences between women and men depending onsex. Not only are there biological differences between males and females, but recent neuroscience research has…

¿Qué es la resiliencia?

What is resilience?

12.8kviews“I am a fortunate man. Nothing in my life has been easy” (Sigmund Freud)  In life, sooner or later, we all deal with difficult events: the illness or death of a loved one, a romantic…

El Efecto Pigmalión y la fuerza de las expectativas

The Pygmalion Effect and the Power of Expectations

18.3kviews What is the Pygmalion effect? The Pygmalion effect refers to the more or less conscious interpretation and belief of how reality should be. We, therefore,adapt our behavior, thoughts and attitudes to meet expectations. The Pygmalion…

¿Cómo afecta el insomnio a nuestras funciones ejecutivas?

How does insomnia affect executive functions?

14.1kviewsHow does insomnia affect executive functions? In today’s society, sleep problems are much more common than in previous decades. This is due, among other factors, to the sensory overstimulation which we are subjected to on a…

Trabajar las funciones ejecutivas en niños y adolescentes

Executive functions in children and adolescents

31.6kviewsThanks to this post, you will further your understanding of executive functions in children and adolescents, with a special emphasis on ADHD and executive function problems. In addition, you will learn a number of strategies…