Reserva cognitiva: ¿De qué hablamos cuando hablamos de ella?

Cognitive reserve: what are we talking about when we talk about it?

6.9kviewsThere are those who say that, if the previous century was the century of genetics, the current century is that of the brain. Certainly, as the years of these first decades have gone by, we…

Curso de terapia manual en pacientes con daño cerebral

Manual therapy course for patients with brain injury

22.6kviewsCentro Lescer launches a manual therapy course for patients with brain injury with the collaboration of physiotherapist and osteopath Rafael González. The aim of this course is combining knowledge in manual therapy with the treatment…

El neuropsicólogo Juan Carlos Arango impartirá una ponencia sobre el papel de la familia en la rehabilitación de personas con daño cerebral adquirido

The Neuropsychologist Juan Carlos Arango Will Give a Presentation on the Family´s Role in the Rehabilitation of Persons with Acquired Brain Damage

13.2kviewsThe neuropsychologist Juan Carlos Arango Lasprilla will give a free online presentation on the family´s role in the rehabilitation of persons with acquired brain damage . You can sign up now!   SIGN UP FOR…

Nuevas propuestas en estimulación sensorial para el tratamiento de los trastornos crónicos de la conciencia

Occupational therapy for patients with acquired brain injury

19.6kviewsToday, the occupational therapist Ángel Sánchez, after explaining in an earlier post the goals and functions of occupational therapy, addresses the role of occupational therapy in patients with acquired brain injury. Occupational therapyis the use of…

Actividades para la rehabilitación neuropsicológica en pacientes con afasia de Broca

Activities for the neuropsychological rehabilitation in patients with Broca’s aphasia

105.8kviewsLanguage is the ability enabling humans to communicate with others by means of sounds, signs and symbols used to name the objects in the outside world, their actions, characteristics, and the connections between them. Language…

Traumatismo craneoencefálico y su rehabilitación neuropsicológica en funciones ejecutivas

Neuropsychological rehabilitation of executive functions following traumatic brain injury

25.5kviewsTraumatic brain injury (TBI) is a critical public health problem due to both its high mortality rates and the disabilities experienced by TBI survivors such as cognitive, emotional, familial, social and occupational difficulties that affect…

Nueva serie para niños con daño cerebral: POPI & PEPA

New series for kids with brain injury: POPI & PEPA

7.8kviewsThe Fundación DACER presents Popi&Pepa, an audiovisual animated series aimed at children who are hospitalized as a result ofa brain injury. The series can be viewed on YouTube: The series for kids with brain…

Terapias intensivas en neurorrehabilitación: ¿aplicable solo a las funciones motoras?

Intensive therapies in neurorehabilitation: Only applicable to motor functions?

13.2kviewsThe effect of intensive therapies on the recovery of people from brain injury has been studied with increasing frequency in recent years. The results of these studies are starting to show the enormous potential of…