¡¡¡Primeras novedades!!! Más fichas infantiles y mejoras en las fichas de papel de adulto

Improvements to worksheets notice

6.8kviewsWe thought we’d give you a hand so you can face the upcoming year in the best possible way and we have thought that the best way to do that would be to make improvements…

Intervención con NeuronUP en la nueva versión de la actividad de la vida diaria "Vístete"

Intervention on a basic activity of daily living (dressing) with NeuronUP

7.8kviewsAs explained in a previous post, according to the framework developed by the American Occupational Therapy Association AOTA (1), activities of daily living (ADLs) are activities oriented toward taking care of one’s own body. ADLs also…

Actividades de orientación

Activities for improving orientation

85.2kviewsFor most of us, it can be easy to answer questions like who are you? where are you now? or what day is today? For those with orientation impairments, however, these questions are really complicated….