Actividades para desarrollar la inteligencia emocional

Emotional Intelligence Activities

31.4kviewsEmotional intelligence is a basic concept in psychology that is gaining in importance. It is considered crucial in predicting our health and happiness since it is closely linked to handling various life situations intelligently. In…

Investigación concluye cambios neuropsicológicos y en el volumen de sustancia gris en pacientes con esclerosis múltiple tras una terapia de rehabilitación cognitiva asistida por ordenador con NeuronUP

Neuropsychological and Brain Grey Matter Volume Chances after Computered-Assited Cognitive Treatment in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis

10.8kviews Authors Julio Plata-Bello, *María Yaiza Pérez-Martín, Montserrat González-Platas, Víctor Fajardo-Santana, Kritsia Sinay Fumero-Revetti Department of Neurosurgery, Hospital Universitario de Canarias, San Cristóbal de La Laguna, Spain *Correspondence to [email protected] Disclosure The authors have declared no conflicts of interest. Citation…

Libro sobre daño cerebral

Daño Cerebral: Recommended Reading

3.7kviewsBrain injury is a leading cause of death and disability among young people and adults worldwide. Due to advances in emergency and critical care services, the number of people who survive a brain injury has…

Autismo y cerebro

Autism and the Brain

24.7kviewsAutism is a developmental neurobiological disorder that manifests itself during the first three or four years of life and lasts throughout a person’s lifetime. Although each autistic syndrome is different in its symptomatology, this disorder…

La psicóloga experta en neuropsicología infantil Alicia Fernández-Zúñiga imparte una ponencia sobre las habilidades del terapeuta de niños y adolescentes

The child neuropsychologist Alicia Fernández-Zúñiga will give a free online lecture in Spanish at NeuronUP Academy entitled “Skills of the therapist of children and adolescents”

6.3kviewsAlicia Fernández-Zúñiga, a child neuropsychologist and expert in the evaluation, diagnosis and treatment of language disorders, will give a free online lecture in SPANISH at NeuronUP Academy entitled “Skills of the therapist of children and…

Pintando el alzhéimer

Painting Alzheimer’s

9.8kviewsBy Dr. Pablo Barrecheguren (@pjbarrecheguren) All artists sign their work, however, by the end of 1999, William Utermohlen could barely remember his signature. Born in Philadelphia (1933), William was a famous American artist living in…

La memoria y sus sistemas: un concepto no unitario

Memory and its systems: a non-unitary concept

11.7kviewsHuman adaptation to environmental demands is based on memory, one basic cognitive ability. In fact, this cognitive process is studied across different fields of knowledge, not only psychology. Since the unitary concept of memory—which defined…

La doctora Sarah Raskin imparte una ponencia en inglés sobre evaluación y tratamiento de posibles déficits de memoria

Sarah Raskin

18.7kviewsDr Sarah Raskin will give a free online presentation on “Assessment and Treatment of Prospective Memory Deficits“. You can sign up now! Dr. Sarah Raskin Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience at Trinity College in Hartford,…