Disforia de género en la infancia y la adolescencia

Gender dysphoria in children and adolescents

12.9kviewsTransgender people experience a sense of dissonance between their biological sex at birth and their gender identity. The words sex and gender are often used interchangeably and incorrectly, which can lead to confusion when dealing…

Rehabilitación de la atención dividida

Rehabilitation of divided attention

23.4kviewsWhat is divided attention? Divided attention is the last and highest level of attention inthe clinical model proposed by Sohlberg and Mateer1, in which different levels of attention are organized in a hierarchical fashion; hence,…

Rehabilitación de la atención alternante - Rehabilitation of alternating attention

Rehabilitation of alternating attention

35.2kviewsAs already discussed in a previous blog post, the most frequently used theoretical model for the rehabilitation of attention is the clinical model of Sohlberg and Mateer, in which attention is divided hierarchically into five…

Rehabilitación de la atención selectiva

Rehabilitation of selective attention

21.1kviewsAttention is a complex cognitive function that has been researchedfromseveral scientific fields—from neuropsychology to cognitive neurosciencevia psychometrics and even electrophysiology. This has resulted in the development of multiple models that attempt to explain this ability…

Deterioro de la atención sostenida y rehabilitación - Sustained attention impairment and rehabilitation

Sustained attention impairment and rehabilitation

24.9kviewsWhat is attention? Attention is a basic, multidimensional cognitive ability, essential for information processing[1].On the one hand, it is considered basic because it is essential for the correct functioning of higher-order psychological processes such as…