Neuropsicóloga clínica e investigadora predoctoral en Laboratorio de Neurociencia Cognitiva y Computacional (Centro de Tecnología Biomédica, UCM-UPM).

Memoria de trabajo y memoria a corto plazo: distinción y actualización

Working memory and short-term memory: distinction and revision

53.6kviewsOne distinction we usually make when talking about different human memory systems is between working memory and short-term memory. In the existing literature, some authors consider short-term memory to be a subset of working memory,…

Heminegligencia: La mitad de todo

Hemineglect: The Half of Everything

25.1kviewsHow many times have you gone to the fridge or the closet looking for something specific, and even though you had what you were looking for right in front of you, you didn’t see it?…

Memoria corporizada: Influencia de la postura corporal en la memoria autobiográfica

Embodied memory: The influence of body posture on autobiographical memory

11.5kviewsIn cognitive science, everyone seems to be talking about embodied cognition; a concept involving the claim that states of the body modify states of the mind [1]. As seen in a previous post, it has…

Fake It Until You Make It: Influencia de la Postura Corporal en la Actitud y el Rendimiento Cognitivo

Fake It ’Til You Make It : The Effect of Body Posture on Attitude and Cognitive Performance

10.8kviewsWe are used to reading that nonverbal language—our gestures and body postures—reveals our mood or psychological state, something we reflect even in our metaphorical way of speaking when using expressions such as “to carry the…

Deconstruyendo el Síndrome de Tourette

Deconstructing Tourette Syndrome

19kviewsHave you heard of Tourette syndrome? In Spain, it is still considered a rare disease based on its prevalence in the population. However, studies at the international level indicate that the disorder is actually much…

Agnosia visual (o no entender lo que estás viendo)

Visual Agnosia: Seeing Without Recognition

66.1kviewsHave you ever found yourself struggling to understand an image without being able to? Have you tried perhaps to find some similarity between what you see and some well-known object, in an attempt to make…

Afasia: diagnósitco diferencial

Aphasia: Differential Diagnosis

34kviewsAphasia is the loss or impairment of language function caused by braindamage [1] that is typically associated with lesions in the language-dominan themisphere (the lef themisphere for 96% of right-handed and 70% of left-handed individuals…