Licenciada en Psicología (Universidad de Huelva) y Máster en Cerebro y Conducta con especialidad en Neuropsicología Clínica (Universidad de Sevilla).

Relación entre cerebro y conducta: ¿Somos nuestro cerebro? Albert Einstein

Brain-behavior relationship: are we our brains?

103.6kviewsThe relationship between brain and behavior seems to be the successor of the famous Cartesian mind-body dualism, where the brain is the physical or biological component and behavior the mental or psychological aspect. Despite its…

Actividades para desarrollar la inteligencia emocional

Emotional Intelligence Activities

31.4kviewsEmotional intelligence is a basic concept in psychology that is gaining in importance. It is considered crucial in predicting our health and happiness since it is closely linked to handling various life situations intelligently. In…

Cerebro y fobias

Phobias and the brain: Eliminating phobias

20.2kviewsA phobia is an intense fear that appears immediately when faced with a specific object or situation. Most common phobias include fear of certain animals or insects, flying, heights, injections or blood. However, phobic situations…