Herramienta profesional de neurorrehabilitación

Juan Carlos Arango elegido miembro de la junta directiva del INS

Juan Carlos Arango has been elected as Member-at-Large on the INS

3.3kviewsThe prestigious neuropsychologist Juan Carlos Arango, a regular contributor to NeuronUP and recent speaker in NeuronUP Academy, has been elected as a Member-at-Large in the INS (International Neuropsychological Society). At NeuronUP we know the value of…

El neuropsicólogo Aarón F. Del Olmo impartirá una ponencia gratuita sobre neuropsicología en las afasias

The Neuropsychologist Aarón F. Del Olmo Will Give a Presentation on Neuropsychology in Aphasias

5.9kviewsThe neuropsychologist Aarón Fernández Del Olmo will give a free online presentation on “Neuropsychology in Aphasias: Beyond the Classic Syndromes”. You can sign up now!   SIGN UP FOR PRESENTATION   Information of the free…

El neuropsicólogo Juan Carlos Arango impartirá una ponencia sobre el papel de la familia en la rehabilitación de personas con daño cerebral adquirido

The Neuropsychologist Juan Carlos Arango Will Give a Presentation on the Family´s Role in the Rehabilitation of Persons with Acquired Brain Damage

13.2kviewsThe neuropsychologist Juan Carlos Arango Lasprilla will give a free online presentation on the family´s role in the rehabilitation of persons with acquired brain damage . You can sign up now!   SIGN UP FOR…

El neuropsicólogo Ramón Fernández de Bobadilla impartirá una ponencia sobre rehabilitación neuropsicológica en la enfermedad de Parkinson

The Neuropsychologist Ramón Fernández de Bobadilla Will Give a Presentation on Neuropsychological Rehabilitation in Parkinson’s Disease

6.7kviewsNeuronUP Academy returns! The neuroopsychologist Ramón Fernández de Bobadilla will give a free online presentation on neuropsychological rehabilitation in Parkinson’s disease on September 25 at NeuronUP Academy. You can sign up now!   SIGN UP FOR…

Juan Carlos Arango Lasprilla nominado a ser miembro de la junta directiva del INS

Juan Carlos Arango has been nominated to serve as Member-at-Large on the INS

6.1kviewsThe prestigious neuropsychologist Juan Carlos Arango, a regular contributor to NeuronUP and speaker at the NeuronUP Academy, has been nominated to serve as Member-at-Large on the INS (International Neuropsychological Society). Congratulations, Juan! In the coming…

Estimulación cognitiva

Cognitive stimulation: cognitive stimulation activities

13.5kviewsCognitive stimulation involves a range of activities aimed at maintaining or improving cognitive function. It targets cognitive domains such as orientation, attention, memory, language, executive functions, gnosis, praxis, visuospatial skills, social cognition, etc. Cognitive stimulation…

Funciones o habilidades cognitivas, qué son, ejemplos y ejercicios para rehabilitarlas

Cognitive abilities or functions: definition, examples, and exercises for improving them

402.7kviews  Cognition or cognitive functions are mental processesthat allow us to receive, process and elaborate information. They allow individuals to have an active role in the processes of interaction, perception, and comprehension of the environment, which in…

¡Formación gratuita de NeuronUP!

Sign Up for the Webinar on NeuronUP!

32.2kviewsWould you like to learn more about our rehabilitation and cognitive stimulation platform for professionals?   Every week we offer live conversations online for individuals or small groups to explain all that NeuronUP has to…