Área de Terapia Ocupacional Departamento de Ciencias de la Salud Investigadora y profesora Asociada Universidad de Burgos [email protected]

Intervención con NeuronUP en niños con discapacidad intelectual leve

NeuronUP intervention in children with mild intellectual disabilities

3.6kviewsJustification The group on which the intervention is focused are children with mild intellectual disabilities. The NeuronUP platform has been used, from which all the activities have been extracted, taking into account those most appropriate…

Intervención con NeuronUP en atención

Intervention with NeuronUP in attention

2.8kviewsAn attention intervention with NeuronUP  Overall objective The general objective of this intervention with NeuronUP in attention is to maintain the attention of users with mild cognitive impairment or without cognitive impairment for a good…

Sesión de lenguaje para personas con deterioro cognitivo leve

Language session for people with mild cognitive impairment

8.7kviews1. Justification The focus of the intervention is on people without cognitive impairment and people with mild cognitive impairment (MCI). For the design of the session, the NeuronUP platform has been used, from which all…

Intervención con personas sin deterioro cognitivo o deterioro cognitivo leve

Intervention for people with mild cognitive impairment and without cognitive impairment

7.7kviewsJustification The intervention will be conducted in a group of people with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and without cognitive impairment. The NeuronUP  platform has been used to design the session and the activities chosen from…

Sesión de estimulación cognitiva para personas con deterioro cognitivo leve

Cognitive stimulation therapy for people with mild cognitive impairment

12.4kviewsA cognitive stimulation therapy (CST) session will be conducted in a group of 15 people with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and without cognitive impairment using the NeuronUP platform. General objective Restoring clients’ impaired cognitive functions…

Intervención con NeuronUP en la nueva versión de la actividad de la vida diaria "Vístete"

Intervention on a basic activity of daily living (dressing) with NeuronUP

8.2kviewsAs explained in a previous post, according to the framework developed by the American Occupational Therapy Association AOTA (1), activities of daily living (ADLs) are activities oriented toward taking care of one’s own body. ADLs also…

Intervención con NeuronUP en una persona de edad media con alteraciones en el lenguaje

Cognitive intervention with NeuronUP in a middle-aged person with language impairments

8.3kviewsThe following intervention with NeuronUP recommends a series of activities aimed at aspecific case of a personwith language impairments. Many definitions of language have been proposed. According toLecoursand Lhermite1,“language is the result of a complex nervous…

Intervención con NeuronUP en una persona mayor diagnosticada de demencia tipo Alzheimer

Cognitive intervention with NeuronUP in an older adult diagnosed with Alzheimer’s-type dementia

9kviewsThe following cognitive intervention with NeuronUP recommends a series of activities aimed ata specific case of an older adult diagnosed with Alzheimer’s-type dementia. This is the most common type of dementia and is characterized by being…