Actividades para la rehabilitación neuropsicológica en pacientes con afasia de Broca

Activities for the neuropsychological rehabilitation in patients with Broca’s aphasia

105.8kviewsLanguage is the ability enabling humans to communicate with others by means of sounds, signs and symbols used to name the objects in the outside world, their actions, characteristics, and the connections between them. Language…

Evaluación y rehabilitación neuropsicológica en las afasias

Neuropsychological Assessment and Rehabilitation of Aphasia

29.2kviewsThe role of neuropsychology in aphasia The term aphasia refers to alterations in language and communication due to brain injury, although aphasia entails limitationsinall areas of a person’s life that go far beyond language problems….

Afasia: diagnósitco diferencial

Aphasia: Differential Diagnosis

34kviewsAphasia is the loss or impairment of language function caused by braindamage [1] that is typically associated with lesions in the language-dominan themisphere (the lef themisphere for 96% of right-handed and 70% of left-handed individuals…