Agnosia visual (o no entender lo que estás viendo)

Visual Agnosia: Seeing Without Recognition

66.1kviewsHave you ever found yourself struggling to understand an image without being able to? Have you tried perhaps to find some similarity between what you see and some well-known object, in an attempt to make…

Afasia: diagnósitco diferencial

Aphasia: Differential Diagnosis

34kviewsAphasia is the loss or impairment of language function caused by braindamage [1] that is typically associated with lesions in the language-dominan themisphere (the lef themisphere for 96% of right-handed and 70% of left-handed individuals…

eHealth somos todos

We all are eHealth

9.3kviewsLast week we attended the I Tomando el Pulso a la Salud Digital Meeting (Checking the Pulse of eHealth) organized by the eHealth Association. For those who don´t know it, this Association´s objective is to…

Rehabilitación neuropsicológica: ¿Merece la pena?

Neuropsychological rehabilitation: Is it worth it?

6.7kviewsThis question is quite common when the family member of a person with brain damage comes for a consultation. -Hey, but is it worth it? -What exactly does neuropsychological rehabilitation do? Despite the fact that…