The kid’s version of “Hangman” has arrived

4.9kviewsThe game “Hangman” is one of the most used games in NeuronUP, so, encouraged by your use, we have decided to create a kid’s version so that you can work on this game with kids,…

Trabaja sesiones grupales con NeuronUP

Work sessions in groups with NeuronUP

19.7kviewsDid you know that with NeuronUP, besides working individually, you can also work in group sessions? Some centers, especially associations, work with groups where patients solve between them  the different activities. And, there is no…

Generador infantil para trabajar la atención selectiva

Generator for kids to work selective attention

2kviewsThe first activity of 2020 has arrived! It’s “Find the Lost Matches” a children’s generator to work selective attention very fun for children. ​ How is it played? The kids have to point out all…

Generador para trabajar la velocidad de procesamiento con niños

Generator to work processing speed with children

6.8kviewsWe have a new activity! Introducing ‘From smallest to largest’, a generator to work processing speed with children. How is it played? Children need to determine the size ratio between a series of drawings as…

¡¡¡Primeras novedades!!! Más fichas infantiles y mejoras en las fichas de papel de adulto

Improvements to worksheets notice

6.8kviewsWe thought we’d give you a hand so you can face the upcoming year in the best possible way and we have thought that the best way to do that would be to make improvements…

6 ejercicios para mejorar la memoria

6 activities to improve memory

251.5kviews“Memory is the diary that we all carry about with us”, Oscar Wilde once wrote. Memory is the storage of information and personal experiences. It gives us the capability to learn and adapt. Thanks to…

Estimulación cognitiva

Cognitive stimulation: cognitive stimulation activities

13.5kviewsCognitive stimulation involves a range of activities aimed at maintaining or improving cognitive function. It targets cognitive domains such as orientation, attention, memory, language, executive functions, gnosis, praxis, visuospatial skills, social cognition, etc. Cognitive stimulation…

Funciones o habilidades cognitivas, qué son, ejemplos y ejercicios para rehabilitarlas

Cognitive abilities or functions: definition, examples, and exercises for improving them

402.7kviews  Cognition or cognitive functions are mental processesthat allow us to receive, process and elaborate information. They allow individuals to have an active role in the processes of interaction, perception, and comprehension of the environment, which in…