Dudas sobre la ponencia de neurodesarrollo en daño cerebral pediátrico

Ana Belén Vintimilla answers questions about her presentation on neurodevelopment in pediatric brain damage

883viewsNeuropsychologist Ana Belén Vintimilla responds to pending questions about her presentation on neurodevelopment in pediatric brain damage last March in #YoMeQuedoEnCasa learning with #NeuronUPAcademy at NeuronUP. If you want to see the presentation in deferred…

Aarón Del Olmo responde a las dudas sobre su ponencia sobre cerebro

Aarón Del Olmo answers questions about his presentation on the brain

1.2kviewsClinical neuropsychologist Aarón Del Olmo answers questions about his brain lecture last March in #YoMeQuedoEnCasa learning with #NeuronUPAcademy from NeuronUP Questions from Aarón Del Olmo’s brain presentation Diana Baez: In terms of perception, specifically TEL…

ponencia de atención

Elisa Martín-Arévalo answers questions about her presentation

2.8kviewsThe Doctor of Psychology specialized in attention processes Elisa Martín-Arévalo answers the pending doubts about her presentation of attention made last March in #NeuronUPAcademy. Questions from the presentation on attention 1. Silvia Vallve: Could you…

Encuentro virtual de estudiantes de neuropsicología

Virtual meeting of neuropsychology students from Latin American countries

2.3kviews If your passion is neuropsychology and you are considering training in it, this Saturday 9/05 from 5 to 8 pm (Spanish time) you have an appointment at the first virtual meeting of neuropsychology students….

Curso de trastornos psicóticos: evaluación y rehabilitación neurocognitiva, en cognición social y metacognición

Course on psychotic disorders: neurocognitive assessment and rehabilitation, in social cognition and metacognition

3kviewsIntroduction to the course on psychotic disorders Since Kraepelin in the early 20th century coined the concept of “early dementia“, to designate what we call today as schizophrenia, the presence of certain deficits in attention,…

Libro de neurocognición, cognición social y metacognición en psicósis

Book on neurocognition, social cognition and metacognition in psychosis

6.8kviewsSynopsis of the book on neurocognition, social cognition and metacognition in psychosis This book, published under the label of Ediciones Pirámide and signed by Dr. Carlos Rebolleda Gil, is part of the already very numerous…

Tercera ponencia de Javier Tirapu sobre neuropsicología de las funciones ejecutivas

Third presentation by Javier Tirapu on neuropsychology of executive functions

6.2kviewsThe National Clinical Neuroscience Award, Javier Tirapu, will give the third of three free online lectures on neuropsychology of executive functions for NeuronUP Academy. This third presentation will take place on February 6 at 3.30…

Segunda ponencia de Javier Tirapu sobre neuropsicología de las funciones ejecutivas

Second presentation by Javier Tirapu on neuropsychology of executive functions

6.4kviewsThe National Clinical Neuroscience Award, Javier Tirapu, will give the second of two free online lectures on neuropsychology of executive functions for NeuronUP Academy. This second presentation will take place on November 21 at 3.30…