Curso de terapia manual en pacientes con daño cerebral

Manual therapy course for patients with brain injury

22.6kviewsCentro Lescer launches a manual therapy course for patients with brain injury with the collaboration of physiotherapist and osteopath Rafael González. The aim of this course is combining knowledge in manual therapy with the treatment…

El presidente de la Sociedad Española de Neurorrehabilitación, Manuel Murie, impartirá una ponencia gratuita sobre neurorrehabilitación

El presidente de la Sociedad Española de Neurorrehabilitación, Manuel Murie, impartirá una ponencia gratuita sobre neurorrehabilitación

6.5kviewsEl Doctor Manuel Murie Fernández, neurólogo y presidente de la Sociedad Española de Neurorrehabilitación, , impartirá una ponencia online y gratuita en NeuronUP Academy titulada “Neurorrehabilitación, dónde, cuándo y porqué” el martes 18 de diciembre a…

Curso de terapia manual en pacientes con daño cerebral

I International Symposium on Neuropsychological Rehabilitation

4.7kviewsThe 1stinternational symposium on neuropsychological rehabilitation will be held on 23-24th November 2018 at the Colegio Oficial de Médicos de Alicante (Official College of Physicians of Alicante, Spain). The symposium will be led by Dr….

El terapeuta ocupacional José López impartirá una ponencia gratuita sobre las terapias intensivas en neurorrehabilitación

The Occupational Therapist José Lopez Will Give a Presentation on Intensive Therapies in Neurorehabilitation

5kviewsThe occupational therapy José López  will give a free online presentation on “Intensive therapies in neurorehabilitation”. You can sign up now! SIGN UP FOR PRESENTATION Information of the free online presentation Title of the conference: Intensive therapies in…

El neuropsicólogo Aarón F. Del Olmo impartirá una ponencia gratuita sobre neuropsicología en las afasias

The Neuropsychologist Aarón F. Del Olmo Will Give a Presentation on Neuropsychology in Aphasias

5.9kviewsThe neuropsychologist Aarón Fernández Del Olmo will give a free online presentation on “Neuropsychology in Aphasias: Beyond the Classic Syndromes”. You can sign up now!   SIGN UP FOR PRESENTATION   Information of the free…

El neuropsicólogo Ignacio Sánchez Cubillo impartirá una ponencia sobre rehabilitación neuropsicológica infantil

The Neuropsychologist Ignacio Sánchez Cubillo Will Give a Presentation on Neuropsychological Rehabilitation in Children

9.2kviewsThe neuroopsychologist Ignacio Sánchez Cubillo will give a free online presentation on neuropsychological rehabilitation in children on July 18 at NeuronUP Academy. You can sign up now!   SIGN UP FOR PRESENTATION   Information of…

El fisioterapeuta Rafael Rodríguez imparte una ponencia sobre la reeducación motora de la apraxia ideomotora

The physiotherapist Rafael Rodríguez will give a presentation on motor skill reeducation of ideomotor

6.8kviewsThe physiotherapist Rafael Rodríguez will give a free online presentation on motor skill reeducation of ideomotor apraxia on June 18 at NeuronUP Academy. You can sign up now!   SIGN UP FOR PRESENTATION   Information…

La neuropsicóloga Elena Muñoz realiza una ponencia sobre la estimulación magnética transcraneal en la rehabilitación neuropsicológica

The neuropsychologist Elena Muñoz will give a presentation on transcranial magnetic stimulation in neuropsychological rehabilitation

9.7kviewsPhD in Psychology and Neuropsychologist, Elena Muñoz Marrón, will give a free online presentation on transcranial magnetic stimulation in neuropsychological rehabilitation on May 23 at NeuronUP Academy. You can sign up now!   SIGN UP…