5 Actividades para mejorar las funciones ejecutivas

Activities to improve executive functions

191.5kviewsAs we promised, today we are sharing some activities to improve executive functions. Activities to improve executive functions:      1. Bottle Caps In this exercise, clients have to arrange the moving bottle caps in…

Las funciones ejecutivas: qué son, tipos y cómo mejorarlas

Executive functions: what they are, types, and how to improve them

25.8kviewsExecutive functions are higher-order skills involved in the energization, regulation, sound execution and on-line readjustment of goal-directed behaviors (Verdejo-García & Bechara, 2010). In other words, the executive functions are the “tools” that guide our actions,…

Ya está aquí NeuronUP Kids! Rehabilitación cognitiva para niños

NeuronUp Kids is here!

10kviewsNeuronUP continues to grow and this time the protagonists are the youngest members of the family. From today we offer you NeuronUP Kids, a new package of cognitive rehabilitation activities for children. This first package of activities…

Un acercamiento al Síndrome de Asperger en su Día Internacional

A Approach to Asperger´Syndrom on its International Day

12kviewsIn recent years the number of diagnoses of “Asperger´s Syndrome” has increased, a pathology on which there are still many issues that need to be resolved. Coinciding with the celebration of the International Day of…