Dislexia: qué es, síntomas, tipos y ejercicios para disléxicos

Dyslexia: meaning, symptoms, types and dyslexic activities

572kviewsDyslexia is a specific learning disorder characterized by an impaired ability to recognize words, slow and hesitantreading, and poor reading comprehension. This neurodevelopmental disorder is estimated to affect approximately one in ten children, there by…

Trastorno de aprendizaje no verbal

Non-verbal learning disability

13.9kviewsIt is tempting to try to divide up cognition in order to study it, even though it is established that when we perform a task the whole brain participates in it. More than tempting, it…

Trastorno del lenguaje

Specific language impairment

67kviewsSpecific language impairment (SLI) is a serious and long-lasting developmental disorder that affects the acquisition and development of spoken language. It can affect either comprehension, expression, or both. It is classified as a “heterogeneous” disorder…

La dislexia como barrera en la infancia

Dyslexia as a barrier in childhood

9.1kviewsDyslexia affects between 10% and 15% of the population. However, the main problem of this disorder is in the child population (developmental dyslexia), since, in our country, education is based on reading and writing, and…