Malformación de Chiari tipo I. Caso clínico.

Chiari Malformation Type I. A Clinical Case.

17kviewsBefore presenting the clinical case, I will give a brief explanation of Chiari malformation. What is Chiari malformation? Chiari malformation is thought to be the result of incomplete development at the lower rear of the…

Te recomendamos un libro de neuropsicología infantil

Pediatric Neuropsychology Book: Recommended Reading

16.7kviewsContinuing education is essential for psychologists. For this reason, we, at NeuronUP, would like to recommend a recently published book entitled Neuropsicología infantil. Neuropsicología Infantil, edited by Doctors Juan Carlos Arango Lasprilla, Diego Rivera, and…

Resumen del 1er Congreso de la Sociedad Colombiana de Neuropsicología

Summary of the 1st Congress of the Colombian Society of Neuropsychology

11.1kviewsThe 1st Congress of the Colombian Society of Neuropsychology took place between September 21 and 23, 2017, with the aim of disseminating scientific advances made in Colombia in the field of neuropsychology, as well as…

Sistema de Neuronas Espejo: función, disfunción y propuestas de rehabilitación

Mirror Neuron System: Function, Dysfunction and Rehabilitation Proposals

33.5kviewsDefinition of the mirror neuron system Neuroanatomy of the mirror neuron system motor/imitation : There are two main neuronal networks that make up the mirror neuron system (Cattaneo & Rizzolati, 2008): one formed by areas…

Deterioro cognitivo leve en la enfermedad de Parkinson

Mild cognitive impairment in Parkinson’s disease

23.7kviewsIf you are a professional working in the field of neurodegeneration, and especially if you work in the field of neuropsychology, you surely know that Parkinson’s disease goes far beyond tremor and muscle rigidity. Parkinson’s, in…

Principales ventajas de la intervención cognitiva 3.0

Advantages of the Intervention 3.0

5.4kviewsIt’s been 16 years since we changed the millennium. Our present was the distant future a few years ago, where the imagination proposed advances in all facets of our lives: travel, medicine and, why not,…

Un acercamiento al Síndrome de Asperger en su Día Internacional

A Approach to Asperger´Syndrom on its International Day

12.6kviewsIn recent years the number of diagnoses of “Asperger´s Syndrome” has increased, a pathology on which there are still many issues that need to be resolved. Coinciding with the celebration of the International Day of…

Concurso Tú tienes la palabra: Escribe en nuestro Blog

Contest “You have the power”: Write in our Blog

5.9kviewsIn NeuronUP we know that the road to innovation and continuous improvement lies in the constant exchange of knowledge on the part of our professionals and users. We launch many tools for this: constant update…