Habilidades sociales : definición, tipos, ejercicios y ejemplos

How to Improve Your Social Skills: Social Skills Games

11MviewsWhat are social skills? Definition of Social Skills Social skills are a set of behavioral strategies and the abilities to implement those behaviors in order to help solve social situations effectively, that is, in an…

Portada » Divulgación » El funcionamiento social en la esquizofrenia EspañolEnglish esquizofrenia - schizophrenia El funcionamiento social en la esquizofrenia

Social functioning in schizophrenia

11.5kviewsInterpersonal difficulties have been widely described in individuals with psychosis spectrum disorders and, specifically, they are a major feature of schizophrenia. The most common social deficits include, for example, problems in conversing, managing conflict, or…

¿Qué es la resiliencia?

What is resilience?

12.8kviews“I am a fortunate man. Nothing in my life has been easy” (Sigmund Freud)  In life, sooner or later, we all deal with difficult events: the illness or death of a loved one, a romantic…

El Efecto Pigmalión y la fuerza de las expectativas

The Pygmalion Effect and the Power of Expectations

18.3kviews What is the Pygmalion effect? The Pygmalion effect refers to the more or less conscious interpretation and belief of how reality should be. We, therefore,adapt our behavior, thoughts and attitudes to meet expectations. The Pygmalion…