NeuronUP intervention in children with mild intellectual disabilities
The group on which the intervention is focused are children with mild intellectual disabilities.
The NeuronUP platform has been used, from which all the activities have been extracted, taking into account those most appropriate for the users in order to achieve the proposed objectives.
General Objective
The overall goal is to maintain or slow down the cognitive processes in children with mild intellectual disabilities.
Specific Objectives:
- Improve selective care
- Improve working memory
- Increase processing speed
- Enhancing spatial orientation
- Enhancing visual acuity
- Encouraging color discrimination
- Improve the numerical sequencing
Activities for children with mild intellectual disabilities
Actividad 1: The Clone
How do you play?
The activity consists of finding the repeated element as quickly as possible. On the left side of the screen there is a template with several objects and on the right side, different objects are displayed and one of them is repeated. The person must find and select the object that appears on both sides of the screen. If the object is selected incorrectly 3 times, it will be moved to another screen. In total, you can only lose on three screens. When the lives are over, you go back one level.
Progression of the activity
On the one hand, there are 3 levels of difficulty. And in turn, in each level there are 3 phases. The easy level goes from phase 1 to 3, the medium level goes from phase 4 to 6 and the difficult level from phase 7 to 9. The higher the number of phases, the more difficult the activity is, the more objects come out and only one is repeated.
10 minutes, which will include the explanations prior to the activity and the closing of it.
On the other hand, it can be customized to be worked with or without time. When you select with time, each screen must be done in less than 10 seconds

Activity 2: Bottlecaps
How is it played?
This activity consists of ordering a sequence of moving numbers. Different colored bottle caps appear on the screen and each plate corresponds to a number. You must identify the lowest number and select it, and so on until you finish with all the plates. Also, the plates are in constant movement without a constant direction. If the bottle cap is selected incorrectly 3 times, it gives you another chance with another screen of the same level.
If you lose 3 lives you lose the level. If you can’t pass in 3 tries you go back to an easier level.
Progression of the activity:
There are 3 levels of difficulty, ranging from easy to difficult. In each level there are 4 phases. As the phase increases, both the number of plates and the speed at which they move on the screen increases. In this activity, you can also select with or without time, the maximum time of inactivity being 3 minutes.
10 minutes, including explanation to users of the activity and closure of the activity..

Activity 3: Matching the Cards
How is it played?
This time, the activity consists of discovering the pairs between a set of cards placed face down. The idea is to pick up the cards two by two and memorize which ones you pick up in order to find all the pairs. When you find the pair, those two cards stay face up. When you make three mistakes in a row, the last cards selected are swapped. If you pass the screen, the level is changed. In the case of not finding the pairs, there is an option to solve, but in exchange for a life. When you lose all three lives, you go back in the level.
Progression of the activity
There are three levels of difficulty: easy, medium and difficult. Within each level there are three phases, ranging from 1 to 9. The higher the stage, the more couples. In this activity, the maximum time of inactivity is 1 minute.
10 minutes, including explanation of the activity and closing.

Activity 4: The Word Guardian
How is it played?
“The Word Guardian” is a game in which children have to discover the hidden word by pressing the letters they want. Watch out, every time they make a mistake, a piece of the tower will fall down!
The total number of letters that can be missed is 8, and in the ninth you lose a life. You have a total of 3 lives, and if all three are lost, you go back one phase. At the end of the screen, the definition of the word appears.
Progression of the activity
There are 3 levels of difficulty, ranging from easy to difficult. Within each level, there are 2 phases. In the easy level, you start with a few letters and as you fail you give clues to the word. In this activity, the maximum time of inactivity is 1 minute.
10 minutes, including explanation and closure of the activity.

- NeuronUP. NeuronUP [sede Web]. La Rioja: NeuronUP; 2012 [actualizada el 7 de noviembre de 2016; acceso el 13 de noviembre de 2017]. Disponible en: https://www.neuronup.com/es
Authors: Olalla Saiz Vazquez, associate profesor University de Burgos and her students: Marta Rupérez, Ainhoa Unzúe, Irene Urquía & Irene Urquijo.
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