Curso de terapia manual en pacientes con daño cerebral

I International Symposium on Neuropsychological Rehabilitation

4.7kviewsThe 1stinternational symposium on neuropsychological rehabilitation will be held on 23-24th November 2018 at the Colegio Oficial de Médicos de Alicante (Official College of Physicians of Alicante, Spain). The symposium will be led by Dr….

Intervención con NeuronUP en la nueva versión de la actividad de la vida diaria "Vístete"

Intervention on a basic activity of daily living (dressing) with NeuronUP

7.7kviewsAs explained in a previous post, according to the framework developed by the American Occupational Therapy Association AOTA (1), activities of daily living (ADLs) are activities oriented toward taking care of one’s own body. ADLs also…

El terapeuta ocupacional José López impartirá una ponencia gratuita sobre las terapias intensivas en neurorrehabilitación

The Occupational Therapist José Lopez Will Give a Presentation on Intensive Therapies in Neurorehabilitation

5kviewsThe occupational therapy José López  will give a free online presentation on “Intensive therapies in neurorehabilitation”. You can sign up now! SIGN UP FOR PRESENTATION Information of the free online presentation Title of the conference: Intensive therapies in…

El neuropsicólogo Ramón Fernández de Bobadilla responde las dudas pendientes sobre su ponencia

The neuropsychologist Ramón Fernández de Bobadilla addresses the unanswered questions from his presentation

4.1kviewsOn September 25th, the neuropsychologist Ramón Fernández de Bobadilla gave a free online presentation at NeuronUP Academy on cognitive rehabilitation in Parkinson’s disease. After his talk, a question and answer period was held, but due to time limits…

Juan Carlos Arango elegido miembro de la junta directiva del INS

Juan Carlos Arango has been elected as Member-at-Large on the INS

3.3kviewsThe prestigious neuropsychologist Juan Carlos Arango, a regular contributor to NeuronUP and recent speaker in NeuronUP Academy, has been elected as a Member-at-Large in the INS (International Neuropsychological Society). At NeuronUP we know the value of…

El neuropsicólogo Aarón F. Del Olmo impartirá una ponencia gratuita sobre neuropsicología en las afasias

The Neuropsychologist Aarón F. Del Olmo Will Give a Presentation on Neuropsychology in Aphasias

5.9kviewsThe neuropsychologist Aarón Fernández Del Olmo will give a free online presentation on “Neuropsychology in Aphasias: Beyond the Classic Syndromes”. You can sign up now!   SIGN UP FOR PRESENTATION   Information of the free…

El neuropsicólogo Juan Carlos Arango impartirá una ponencia sobre el papel de la familia en la rehabilitación de personas con daño cerebral adquirido

The Neuropsychologist Juan Carlos Arango Will Give a Presentation on the Family´s Role in the Rehabilitation of Persons with Acquired Brain Damage

13.2kviewsThe neuropsychologist Juan Carlos Arango Lasprilla will give a free online presentation on the family´s role in the rehabilitation of persons with acquired brain damage . You can sign up now!   SIGN UP FOR…

Lateralidad cruzada y dificultades de aprendizaje: actividades para trabajar la lateralidad

Crossed laterality and learning difficulties

61.1kviews What is laterality? Laterality is the distribution of functions across the two cerebral hemispheres. The preference for one side of the body over the other (right or left) to perform actions depends on this distribution….