Rehabilitación de la atención selectiva

Rehabilitation of selective attention

21.1kviewsAttention is a complex cognitive function that has been researchedfromseveral scientific fields—from neuropsychology to cognitive neurosciencevia psychometrics and even electrophysiology. This has resulted in the development of multiple models that attempt to explain this ability…

Trabajar las funciones ejecutivas en niños y adolescentes

Executive functions in children and adolescents

31.6kviewsThanks to this post, you will further your understanding of executive functions in children and adolescents, with a special emphasis on ADHD and executive function problems. In addition, you will learn a number of strategies…

Deconstruyendo el Síndrome de Tourette

Deconstructing Tourette Syndrome

19kviewsHave you heard of Tourette syndrome? In Spain, it is still considered a rare disease based on its prevalence in the population. However, studies at the international level indicate that the disorder is actually much…

Afasia: diagnósitco diferencial

Aphasia: Differential Diagnosis

34kviewsAphasia is the loss or impairment of language function caused by braindamage [1] that is typically associated with lesions in the language-dominan themisphere (the lef themisphere for 96% of right-handed and 70% of left-handed individuals…

El TDAH en la infancia: síntomas, diagnóstico y tratamiento

ADHD in children: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

15.9kviewsADHD stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.Between 2% and 5% of children and adolescents suffer from this disorder. On average, there are 1 to 2 students who have ADHD in every classroom of 30 students….

La dislexia como barrera en la infancia

Dyslexia as a barrier in childhood

9.1kviewsDyslexia affects between 10% and 15% of the population. However, the main problem of this disorder is in the child population (developmental dyslexia), since, in our country, education is based on reading and writing, and…