tres personas con síndrome de down

Cognitive intervention in people with Down syndrome

6.1kviewsBy Aura Fundación In September 2017, the Aura Foundation began the implementation and adaptation of the NeuronUP program for people with Down syndrome and other intellectual disabilities. One of the main reasons why we chose…

Ejercicios de estimulación cognitiva para personas con síndrome de Down

Cognitive stimulation exercises for people with Down syndrome

19.2kviewsDown syndrome is a genetic disorder caused by the presence of an extra chromosome. People with Down syndrome have all or part of a third copy of chromosome 21. Down syndrome is not a disease…

Logopedia, niña trabajando con NeuronUP

Online Speech Therapy with NeuronUP: Speech Therapy Exercises

10.7kviewsSpeech therapist Marian Alonso García explains how she uses NeuronUP’s speech therapy exercises in the treatment of their patients and how they work with online speech therapy. What is Speech Therapy? Speech Therapy Definition Speech…

Sofía padece el síndrome 5p- o síndrome del maullido de gato

5p- syndrome and effectiveness of neuropsychological rehabilitation: the story of Sofía

28.7kviews What is 5p- syndrome? 5p- syndrome is arare genetic disorder caused by a deletion of part of the short arm of chromosome 5.This condition is characterized bya distinctive cat-like cry inaffectedinfants, due to anomalies of…

Down Madrid

Down Madrid tells us its experience with telerehabilitation

1.2kviewsThe Down Syndrome Foundation of Madrid counts on its experience with NeuronUP and the opportunity that telerehabilitation represents for both professionals and patients. The work of Down Madrid The Madrid Down Syndrome Foundation is an…

10 ejercicios de estimulación cognitiva para personas con Alzheimer

10 Cognitive Rehabilitation Activities for People with Alzheimer’s Disease

225.2kviews  The cognitive rehabilitation exercises described here for persons with Alzheimer’s have been developed by NeuronUP and are available for all those professionals working with our neurorehabilitation web platform. Please keep in mind that these…

La rehabilitación y estimulación cognitiva con nuevas tecnologías

Rehabilitation and cognitive stimulation with new technologies

2.7kviewsNeuropsychologist, PhD in Neurosciences and Director of Neuropsychological Services of the Caribbean (SNC), Ivan Cadena, explains how they perform rehabilitation and cognitive stimulation with new technologies in their center in Colombia. Caribbean Neuropsychological Services (CNS)…

Ejercicios de estimulación cognitiva ejemplos prácticos

10 Cognitive rehabilitation exercises: practical examples

62.2kviewsCognitive stimulation or cognitive rehabilitation is a set of techniques to improve the functioning of cognitive abilities, as explained in this previous post. Today we propose 10 cognitive rehabilitation exercises: cognitive rehabilitation exercises for children,…