Intervención con NeuronUP en una persona de edad media con alteraciones en el lenguaje

Cognitive intervention with NeuronUP in a middle-aged person with language impairments

8kviewsThe following intervention with NeuronUP recommends a series of activities aimed at aspecific case of a personwith language impairments. Many definitions of language have been proposed. According toLecoursand Lhermite1,“language is the result of a complex nervous…

Funciones o habilidades cognitivas, qué son, ejemplos y ejercicios para rehabilitarlas

Cognitive abilities or functions: definition, examples, and exercises for improving them

402.7kviews  Cognition or cognitive functions are mental processesthat allow us to receive, process and elaborate information. They allow individuals to have an active role in the processes of interaction, perception, and comprehension of the environment, which in…

Nuevas propuestas en estimulación sensorial para el tratamiento de los trastornos crónicos de la conciencia

New sensory stimulation treatment options for patients with chronic disorders of consciousness

12.7kviewsSensory stimulation programs have a long history of being used in neurorehabilitation, as they are one of the most commonly used treatment options for addressing global disorders of consciousness after severe brain injury [1]. These…

Nuevas propuestas en estimulación sensorial para el tratamiento de los trastornos crónicos de la conciencia

Occupational therapy for patients with acquired brain injury

19.6kviewsToday, the occupational therapist Ángel Sánchez, after explaining in an earlier post the goals and functions of occupational therapy, addresses the role of occupational therapy in patients with acquired brain injury. Occupational therapyis the use of…

¡Formación gratuita de NeuronUP!

Sign Up for the Webinar on NeuronUP!

32.2kviewsWould you like to learn more about our rehabilitation and cognitive stimulation platform for professionals?   Every week we offer live conversations online for individuals or small groups to explain all that NeuronUP has to…

Aura Fundació explica la importancia de la estimulación cognitiva en personas con discapacidad intelectual

Aura Fundació discusses the importance of cognitive stimulation for people with intellectual disability

13.7kviewsDo you know Aura Fundació? Do you know what its mission is? The head of the neuropsychology program at Aura Fundació, Roser Fernández, tells us about the work of this social entity and discusses the…

Cerebro y fobias

Phobias and the brain: Eliminating phobias

20.2kviewsA phobia is an intense fear that appears immediately when faced with a specific object or situation. Most common phobias include fear of certain animals or insects, flying, heights, injections or blood. However, phobic situations…

El neuropsicólogo Ignacio Sánchez Cubillo impartirá una ponencia sobre rehabilitación neuropsicológica infantil

The Neuropsychologist Ignacio Sánchez Cubillo Will Give a Presentation on Neuropsychological Rehabilitation in Children

9.2kviewsThe neuroopsychologist Ignacio Sánchez Cubillo will give a free online presentation on neuropsychological rehabilitation in children on July 18 at NeuronUP Academy. You can sign up now!   SIGN UP FOR PRESENTATION   Information of…