La neuropsicóloga Elena Muñoz realiza una ponencia sobre la estimulación magnética transcraneal en la rehabilitación neuropsicológica

The neuropsychologist Elena Muñoz will give a presentation on transcranial magnetic stimulation in neuropsychological rehabilitation

9.7kviewsPhD in Psychology and Neuropsychologist, Elena Muñoz Marrón, will give a free online presentation on transcranial magnetic stimulation in neuropsychological rehabilitation on May 23 at NeuronUP Academy. You can sign up now!   SIGN UP…

Intervención con NeuronUP en una persona mayor diagnosticada de demencia tipo Alzheimer

Cognitive intervention with NeuronUP in an older adult diagnosed with Alzheimer’s-type dementia

8.9kviewsThe following cognitive intervention with NeuronUP recommends a series of activities aimed ata specific case of an older adult diagnosed with Alzheimer’s-type dementia. This is the most common type of dementia and is characterized by being…

Rehabilitación de la atención dividida

Rehabilitation of divided attention

23.4kviewsWhat is divided attention? Divided attention is the last and highest level of attention inthe clinical model proposed by Sohlberg and Mateer1, in which different levels of attention are organized in a hierarchical fashion; hence,…

Malformación de Chiari tipo I. Caso clínico.

Chiari Malformation Type I. A Clinical Case.

16.5kviewsBefore presenting the clinical case, I will give a brief explanation of Chiari malformation. What is Chiari malformation? Chiari malformation is thought to be the result of incomplete development at the lower rear of the…

Rehabilitación neuropsicológica en la enfermedad de Parkinson

Cognitive Rehabilitation in Parkinson’s disease

78kviewsWhat is Parkinson’s disease? Parkinson’s disease (PD) is the most common neurodegenerative movement disorder, with studies reporting prevalence between 108-207 per 100,000 in Europe. Although a pure genetic origin can be demonstrated in a minority…

El neuropsicólogo Marcos Ríos realizará una ponencia sobre la lentitud en el procesamiento de la información

The neuropsychologist Marcos Ríos will give a presentation on difficulty in information processing

9kviewsThe PhD in Psychology, Neuropsychologist and coordinator of the Brain Damage Service of the Beata María Ana Hospital, Marcos Ríos, will give a free online presentation on difficulty in information processing on April 25 at NeuronUP Academy. You…

Ángel Sánchez responde las dudas pendientes sobre su ponencia "Repercusiones funcionales de las apraxias"

Ángel Sánchez continues answering questions from his presentation “Functional consequences of apraxia”

8.9kviewsÁngel Sánchez continues answering questions from his presentation “Functional consequences of apraxia” On March 20th, Ángel Sánchez Cabeza, an occupational therapist with aMasters in Neuropathology,gave a free online presentation at NeuronUP Academy on the functional consequences of…

Trastornos del neurodesarrollo: concepto, tipos y tratamiento

Neurodevelopmental disorders: concept, types and treatment

94kviewsAn estimated 5% to 10% of the population are affected by neurodevelopmental disorders whichtypically onset in childhood, prior to puberty, in the developmental period. Any changes or alterations in the complex process of brain development…