Rehabilitación de la atención selectiva

Rehabilitation of selective attention

21kviewsAttention is a complex cognitive function that has been researchedfromseveral scientific fields—from neuropsychology to cognitive neurosciencevia psychometrics and even electrophysiology. This has resulted in the development of multiple models that attempt to explain this ability…

El Efecto Pigmalión y la fuerza de las expectativas

The Pygmalion Effect and the Power of Expectations

18.2kviews What is the Pygmalion effect? The Pygmalion effect refers to the more or less conscious interpretation and belief of how reality should be. We, therefore,adapt our behavior, thoughts and attitudes to meet expectations. The Pygmalion…

Cognición social: estructura y evaluación de un superconstructo

Social cognition: structure and assessmentof a key construct

23.1kviewsIn the field of neuropsychology and psychology, an understanding of social cognition brings to mind concepts such as empathy, recognition of emotional facial expressions, theory of mind or mentalization; however, it is not always clear…

¡Diseña tu postal navideña personalizada en NeuronUP!

Design Your Own Custom Christmas Card in NeuronUP!

7.3kviewsChristmas is just around the corner and at NeuronUP we want to celebrate it with you… in an original way.  Let us help you create a custom Christmas card and give you the opportunity to…

4 Causas Infrecuentes del ictus

4 Perplexing Main Rare Causes of Stroke

10.3kviewsStroke is a chief cause of death- the third in the U.S with statistics citing about 140,000 fatalities annually. The condition occurs when there is a problem with the blood vessels like blockage (ischemic) or a leak…

Cómo prevenir el deterioro cognitivo leve

Preventing Mild Cognitive Impairment

14.1kviewsHere you will find valuable information on the definition, symptoms, types, causes and prevention of mild cognitive impairment, and learn how neuropsychological testingmay help with the treatment of mild cognitive impairment. Hello! My name is…

Te recomendamos un libro de neuropsicología infantil

Pediatric Neuropsychology Book: Recommended Reading

16.2kviewsContinuing education is essential for psychologists. For this reason, we, at NeuronUP, would like to recommend a recently published book entitled Neuropsicología infantil. Neuropsicología Infantil, edited by Doctors Juan Carlos Arango Lasprilla, Diego Rivera, and…

¿Cómo afecta el insomnio a nuestras funciones ejecutivas?

How does insomnia affect executive functions?

14kviewsHow does insomnia affect executive functions? In today’s society, sleep problems are much more common than in previous decades. This is due, among other factors, to the sensory overstimulation which we are subjected to on a…