Te recomendamos un libro de neuropsicología infantil

Pediatric Neuropsychology Book: Recommended Reading

16.2kviewsContinuing education is essential for psychologists. For this reason, we, at NeuronUP, would like to recommend a recently published book entitled Neuropsicología infantil. Neuropsicología Infantil, edited by Doctors Juan Carlos Arango Lasprilla, Diego Rivera, and…

5 actividades de estimulación cognitiva para niños que debes conocer

The 5 cognitive stimulation activities for children that you should know about

193.3kviewsOur last blog entry was dedicated to the 5 most popular cognitive stimulation activities for adults. Today’s post focuses on kids. We are about to explain the 5 cognitive stimulation activities for children most used…

eHealth somos todos

We all are eHealth

9.3kviewsLast week we attended the I Tomando el Pulso a la Salud Digital Meeting (Checking the Pulse of eHealth) organized by the eHealth Association. For those who don´t know it, this Association´s objective is to…

Trabajar las funciones ejecutivas en niños y adolescentes

Executive functions in children and adolescents

31.6kviewsThanks to this post, you will further your understanding of executive functions in children and adolescents, with a special emphasis on ADHD and executive function problems. In addition, you will learn a number of strategies…

Las enfermedades raras no son invisibles.3Millones de españoles lo saben

Rare Diseases are not invisible

5.7kviewsToday, Rare Disease Day 2017, NeuronUP would like to take this opportunity to give voice to 350 million people worldwide who suffer from a rare disease. What is a rare disease? When speaking of a rare disease,…