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Conference on Driving after Brain Damage

Jornada sobre conducción de vehículos tras un daño cerebral


The Beata Maria Ana Hospital will be holding a course regarding driving after brain damage on October 15.

Objective of the course on driving after brain damage

Driving is one of the instrumental activities of daily life that we identify with our autonomy and freedom. The sequels derived from brain damage can interfere with this capacity, which implies a special responsibility for neurorehabilitation professionals.

On a social level, we have to collaborate with road safety by advising patients and their families about the limitations derived from any damage done; in our role as rehabilitators we are committed to the recovery of the capacity of the neurorehabilitation.

This conference analyses the clinical, legal and training aspects of driving after brain damage.






Registration for the day on driving after brain damage

Form of payment

By bank transfer, in any branch of BANKIA to the current account ES16 2038 1163 1560 0001 3041 in favor of HOSPITAL BEATA MARÍA ANA.

In order to formalize the inscription, once the payment has been made, an e-mail must be sent to:

The email must contain the following information:


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