NeuronUP presents a free neurorehabilitation academy online
In 2018, NeuronUP launched NeuronUP Academy, a training academy geared towards professionals working in rehabilitation and cognitive stimulation. This initiative was born with the idea that neurorehabilitation professionals expand their knowledge by attending free training provided by national and international authorities in the field of rehabilitation and cognitive stimulation.
The one year anniversary has come and gone, but the celebration was short lived because…. NeuronUP Academy continues! This year we are mixing it up a bit by adding English speaking presenters to the lineup. Bookmark this page and keep an eye out for our new roster of speakers.
This online academy is open to all professionals and students involved in processes of rehabilitation and cognitive stimulation.
During the training sessions you will have open access to the top specialists in the field of rehabilitation and cognitive stimulation. You will also be able to ask them questions and participate in productive interprofessional discussions.
Next speaker
October 24, 2019 12PM PST/3PM EST
Sheldon Herring
“The Conscious Therapist: Mindfulness Applied”

Sheldon Herring
Clinical Director of the Outpatient Traumatic Brain Injury and Young Stroke Programs of Roger C. Peace Rehab Hospital, part of Prisma Health, Greenville SC.
Dr. Herring specializes in the neuropsychological sequelae of traumatic brain injury, stroke and related neurological disorders and the rehabilitation of persons with cognitive impairment.
Dr. Herring serves as the current chair of the Board of Governors for the Academy of Certified Brain Injury Specialists (ACBIS). He initiated the Brain Injury Leadership Academy to support the development of future leaders in the field. Dr. Herring is also the Chief of the Division of Behavioral, Social and Population Health Sciences, University of South Carolina School of Medicine-Greenville.
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September 17, 2019 12PM PST/3PM EST
Dual presentation – Amanda Mast & Martha Van Dam
“Face It to Ace It”, an interdisciplinary problem solving model.

Amanda Mast
MS, CCC-SLP, CBIS, is a speech-language pathologist at the Roger C. Peace Rehabilitation Hospital’s Outpatient Brain Injury & Young Stroke Program, a Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF)-accredited community re-entry brain injury program of Prisma Health in Greenville, South Carolina.
Amanda has served individuals following acquired brain injury since 2006. For the past 3 years, Amanda has been working in Program development, clinical mentorship, and patient and caregiver education roles. Amanda received both her bachelor’s degree and Masters of Science degree in Speech-Language Pathology from Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana. Amanda has maintained her Certified Brain Injury Specialist (CBIS) certification since 2011. She has served on the Academy of Brain Injury Specialists (ACBIS) Marketing Committee since 2016. Her clinical interests include neurogenic communication disorders, cognitive rehabilitation, social skills, and community re-entry.

Martha Van Dam
MS, CCC-SLP, CBIST is a speech-language pathologist with 14 years of experience providing services to persons with Acquired Brain Injuries.
Marty received her undergraduate degree from Clemson University in Clemson, South Carolina and her Masters of Science degree from the University of Oregon in Eugene, Oregon. Marty manages Roger C. Peace Rehabilitation Hospital’s Outpatient Brain Injury & Young Stroke Program, a Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF)-accredited community re-entry brain injury program of Prisma Health in Greenville, South Carolina. Marty participates in advocacy efforts through the South Carolina Brain Injury Leadership Council, the American Speech Language Hearing Association’s Government Relations & Public Policy Board and through the Academy of Certified Brain Injury Specialists as a Certified Brain Injury Specialist Trainer.
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Stephanie Kolakowsky-Hayner
Associate Professor of Research in the Department of Rehabilitation and Human Performance at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mt. Sinai in New York, NY.
Dr. Kolakowsky-Hayner serves as the Director of Spinal Cord Injury Research, a Senior Investigator in the Brain Injury Research Center, and the Director of Rehabilitation Research Education.
She serves on local, state, regional, national, and international boards and contributes to the development of new research protocols, dissemination activities, outreach, and awareness efforts to improve the lives of individuals with disabilities and the people who care professionally and personally for them.
Dr. Kolakowsky-Hayner has over 20 years progressively independent experience in research related to spinal cord injury, brain injury, stroke, and other neurologic disorders.
To date, she has made over 200 professional presentations and published over 220 peer-reviewed manuscripts, book chapters, and other information materials for professionals and consumers with disabilities.
+More info
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June 20th 4PM EST
Kristine Kingsley
Practicing clinical psychologist and Co-Director of Internship Training at NYU Langone Medical Center – Rusk Rehabilitation
Dr. Kristine Kingsley is a Senior Psychologist and a Clinical Assistant Professor of Rehabilitation Medicine at NYU Langone Medical Center. She is the Assistant Coordinator for the Psychology Internship Program. Dr. Kingsley completed her undergraduate degree at the American College of Greece and received her graduate training at New York University and Ferkauf Graduate School of Psychology. In 2007,she became board certified in Rehabilitation Psychology through the American Board of Professional Psychology (ABPP).
For the past seventeen years, Dr. Kingsley has focused on designing and delivering diverse clinical services (cognitive remediation, group & individual therapy, family therapy, assessment) to adults with an acquired neurological conditions (TBI, CVA, MS, Parkinson’s Epilepsy, MCI) She has published on the topics of cognitive rehabilitation, co-training, assessment, and authored multiple treatment manuals; the protocols outline strategies to improve couples & family therapy and training within the realm of memory disorders, executive functioning deficits and social participation.
Dr. Kingsley has supervised tens of psychology interns and has taught them how to provide evidenced based and integrative treatment to patients and their families. She has been a member of the cognitive rehabilitation faculty of ACRM’s Brain Injury Special Interest Group, and one of the co-authors of their most recent systematic review. Dr. Kingsley is the co-chair of the International Networking Group Service Delivery Task Force since 2016. She has been actively involved as a member of the Board of Trustees member of the American Board of Rehabilitation Psychology, and serves a site visitor chair for internship and postdoctoral training programs across the country.
Dr. Kingsley has presented to several audiences nationally and internationally on how to provide holistic neuro-rehabilitation services, using culturally competent models and practices. Her research interests involve evidenced based group, individual and systems interventions.
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Wednesday April 24, 2019, 9.30AM EST
Alicia Fernández-Zúñiga
Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience at Trinity College in Hartford, Connecticut.
Habilidades del terapeuta de niños y adolescentes
– Degree in Psychology. Director of the clinical center Instituto de Lenguaje y Desarrollo (ILD-1991- 2019).Madrid… Expert in evaluation, diagnosis and treatment of disorders of: language, stuttering, communication, learning; as well as psychological, neuropsychological children and adopted children. Family counselling.
Associate Professor at the Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM-2003-2014). Coordinator of Child and Adolescent Consulting in the Applied Psychology Service. (UAM-1990-2000).
Specialization in Child Neuropsychology. Instituto Guttman Univ. Autónoma de Barcelona (2009) and Child Neuropsychology in COP. Madrid (2007).
Professional Intervention Psychologist for International Adoption (Community of Madrid, LIPAI, (1996- 2019).
Advisory Member of the Research Institute IFIIE of the Ministry of Education for the “Study on the Attention of Students with Dyslexia in the Educational System in the Spanish State 2012.
Member of different associations.
Lecturer in different university master’s degrees and other public and private centers.
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Monday, May 6, 2019
Dual presentation – Dr. Amy Rosenbaum and Dr. Keith Ganci
“Clinical Application of Evidence-Based Cognitive Rehabilitation Strategies: Considerations Based on Impairment Severity and Treatment Setting.”

Amy Rosenbaum
Director of the Traumatic Brain Injury Rehabilitation Program at Park Terrace Care Center.
Dr. Rosenbaum received her doctorate in clinical and school psychology from Hofstra University, and has specialized in the field of brain injury rehabilitation for almost 20 years. She is responsible for directing interdisciplinary treatment planning, overseeing program planning and development, as well as all TBI-related staff education and training.
She was integrally involved in creating the center’s cognitive rehabilitation, coma recovery and coma management programs, and remains responsible for the clinical oversight of these programs. Dr. Rosenbaum also serves as a TBI model systems investigator for the NY TBI Model System at Mt. Sinai.
Her clinical and research interests include disorders of consciousness, post-traumatic confusional disorders, cognitive rehabilitation, evidence-based practice, neuropsychological assessment, and psychotherapy after brain injury. She has published in textbooks and peer reviewed journals; her work has been presented both nationally and internationally.
She is the current Co-Chair of the ACRM BI-ISIG Cognitive Rehabilitation Task Force, ACRM Cognitive Rehabilitation Manual Faculty, and Chair of the Public Awareness and Advocacy Workgroup of the Joint NIDRR and ACRM BI-ISIG Disorders of Consciousness Task Force. She is also an author of ACRM’s “Cognitive Rehabilitation Manual: Translating Evidence-Based Recommendations into Practice” and is the managing co-editor for the upcoming second edition manual and textbook.

Keith Ganci
Licensed clinical psychologist specializing in neuropsychology and brain injury rehabilitation.
Dr Ganci received his Ph.D. in clinical psychology in 2011 from Fairleigh Dickinson University. He completed his clinical internship at the NYU Rusk Institute of Rehabilitation Medicine and a two-year APPIC accredited neuropsychology postdoctoral fellowship at the JFK-Johnson Rehabilitation Institute
He is an active member of the North Carolina and New Jersey State Psychological Associations. He is also an active member of The American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine’s (ACRM) Cognitive Rehabilitation and Sports Rehabilitation Task Forces, is on the ARCM Cognitive Rehabilitation Manual and Training Faculty and will be one of the primary authors on the upcoming ARCM second edition manual and textbook.
He was awarded the ACRM Early Career Scholarship in 2013 and 2014. He was also recently appointed to the Brain Injury Association of America’s (BIAA) Cognitive Issues Panel to create best-practice-guidelines for the rehabilitation of moderate to severe traumatic brain injury.
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Date: Thursday March 21, 2019 4PM EST
Sarah Raskin
Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience at Trinity College in Hartford, Connecticut.
Assessment and Treatment of Prospective Memory Deficits
Dr. Raskin received her BA in Behavioral Biology from Johns Hopkins University and her PhD in Neuropsychology from the City University of New York Graduate Center.
She is Board Certified by the American Board of Professional Psychology-Clinical Neuropsychology and is a Fellow of the American Psychological Association, Divisions 22 and 40, and the National Academy of Neuropsychology.
She has published numerous articles investigating neuropsychological functions and cognitive rehabilitation for a variety of disorders, including brain injury.
She co-authored the Memory for Intentions Test (MIST) published by Psychological Assessment Resources.
She is co-author with Catherine Mateer of Neuropsychological Management of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury, published by Oxford University Press (2000) and is the editor of Neuroplasticity and Rehabilitation, published by Guilford Press (2011). She was also guest editor of a special issue of The Clinical Neuropsychologist on prospective memory (2018).
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Gabriela Cantarero
Researcher at The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Dr. Cantarero is a researcher at the Johns Hopkins Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. She also co-directs the noninvasive brain stimulation program that pairs different forms of brain stimulation techniques with rehabilitation to treat a variety of neurological conditions and movement disorders.
Dr. Cantarero’s current work focuses on athletes who have sustained repetitive mild traumatic brain injuries. She uses techniques such as motion tracking, EMG analysis and noninvasive brain stimulation.
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Date: 12/18/2018
Neurologist and president of the Spanish Neurorehabilitation Society
Neurorrehabilitación, dónde, cuándo y porqué
Dr. Manuel Murie Fernández studied Medicine at the University of Navarra, graduating in 2002. During the four year period between 2003-2007, he specialized in Neurology at the Department of Neurology of the Clinica Universidad de Navarra. He is a Doctor of Medicine with Cum Laude honors.
He studied and received the university degree of expert in probability and statistics in medicine from the UNED (Spain’s National University of Distance Education) in 2004-2005 as well as receiving a Master’s degree in corporal and psychosocial damage assessment in 2007-2008. After his residency he has focused his studies in the area of neurorehabilitation, obtaining a post-graduate grant from bank Caja Madrid to carry out a Fellowship in Neurorehabilitation at Western University (Ontario, Canada) during the 2008-2009 academic year. During the years of 2008-2011 he studied and obtained an Executive MBA.
He has written more than 50 chapters in various books, both in national and international publications related to the field of neurology and neurorehabilitation. He is currently working as director of the Department of Neurology at the Clínica San Miguel and head of the Neurorehabilitation unit of the Grupo ICOT in the Canary Islands. He is president of the Spanish Society of Neurorehabilitation and member of the scientific panel of neurorehabilitation at the European Academy of Neurology.
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Date: 11/21/2018
Diploma in occupational therapy with a master’s degree in neurological pathology
Terapias intensivas en neurorrehabilitación
Diploma in occupational therapy from the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM). Master in neurological pathology from the King Juan Carlos University. Expert in neuropsychological and neurolinguistic evaluation and rehabilitation from the UCM. Since 2000, he has worked in the field of neurorehabilitation and in recent years has developed his professional career in the field of intensive therapies, robotics and new technologies and evidence-based practice in Cereneo AG, a neurology and neurorehabilitation center in Switzerland.
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Doctor of Medicine, Neuropsychologist and head of the Neuropsychology Service of the Neurological Center of Navarra
Rehabilitación neuropsicológica en la enfermedad de Parkinson
Bachelor of Psychology (University of Deusto, 2008). Master en Neuropsychology (Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, 2010). Master in Neuropsychological Rehabilitation and Cognitive Stimulation (Institut Guttmann-UAB, 2011). Resident in Neuropsychology at the Neurology Service in the Hospital de Sant Pau in Barcelona. (2008-11). Doctor of Medicine (Autonomous University of Barcelona, 2017). Since 2016 he has been in charge of the neuropsychology services at the Centro Neurológico de Navarra (Neurological Center of Navarra) neuropsychological evaluation and monitoring of neurorehabilitation treatment in patients with neurological affectation. He previously worked as a neuropsychologist and researcher in the Movement Disorders Unit of the Sant Pau Hospital in Barcelona (2011-16). He is also a consultant professor in the Master course of Neuropsychology at the Open University of Catalonia.
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Neuropsychology doctor and in charge of neuropsychology at the Nemo Foundation
Rehabilitación neuropsicológica infantil
PhD in psychology and master’s degree in neuropsychology from the Complutense University of Madrid. Clinical neuropsychologist in the Brain Damage Unit of the Aita Menni Hospital (Bilbao) and head of neuropsychology at the Nemo Foundation (Fundación Nemo in Palma de Mallorca). Consultant Professor in the Master of Neuropsychology and the Master of Learning Difficulties and Language Disorders at the Open University of Catalonia. Professor of the Master of Neuropsychology at the University of Deusto.
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Licensed in Physiotherapy, professor of Neurological Physiotherapy and director of Neurofisio
La reeducación motora de la Apraxia Ideomotora
Rafael Rodríguez Lozano holds a degree in Physiotherapy from the University of Oviedo and a degree in Physiotherapy from the University of Salamanca. He also holds a Master’s Degree in Management and Research of Disability and Dependency from the University of A Coruña. He is Professor of Neurological Physiotherapy at the Public University of Navarre and is director of the brain damage recovery center, Neurofisio..
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PhD in Psychology, Master in Neuropsychology and co-founder and co-director of the research laboratory Cognitive NeuroLab
La estimulación magnética transcraneal en la rehabilitación neuropsicológica
PhD in Psychology and Master in Neuropsychology from the Complutense University of Madrid. She is currently a tenured professor at the Faculty of Health Sciences of the Open University of Catalonia (UOC) where she heads up the Master’s Degree in Neuropsychology. Her scientific career has been focused on the investigation of the neural bases of cognitive processes through non-invasive brain stimulation techniques (TMS and tDCS), as well as the use of these techniques in neuropsychological rehabilitation. In addition, Elena Muñoz is co-founder and co-director of the Cognitive Neuro Lab research laboratory.
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Date: 10/23/2018
PhD in psychology & Investigator at Ikerbasque
El papel de la familia en la rehabilitación de personas con daño cerebral adquirido
Juan Carlos Arango Lasprilla is one of the most recognized experts worldwide for his contributions to the study of brain damage and its rehabilitation for the Spanish-speaking population. He is a researcher at Ikerbasque, Basque Foundation for Science, at the BioCruces Health Research Institute (Spain). Currently he has more than 300 publications to his name and his research in the area of brain damage and rehabilitation have been published in several of the best journals of medicine and psychology in the world (JAMA, Nature Medicine etc.). In addition, during his professional career he has received more than 30 awards, recognitions and/or honors both nationally and internationally. Three noteworthy awards include: an award from the American Psychological Association (United States), the Early Career Award from the National Academy of Neuropsychology (United States) and the world prize for the best young researcher in the area of brain damage awarded by the International Brain Injury Association (Scotland).
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Date: 11/06/2018
Doctor in psychology and neuropsychologist specialized in the rehabilitation of aphasia
Neuropsicología en las Afasias: Más allá de los síndromes clásicos
Doctor in Psychology with Master in Neuropsychology from the University of Seville. Clinical Neuropsychologist at Integral Center of Evaluation and Therapeutic Education (CIVET) in Seville. Specialized in acquired brain damage, dementias and specifically in the rehabilitation of aphasias. He is also a teacher in several masters’ courses in clinical neuropsychology for children and adults.
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PhD in Psychology, Neuropsychologist and coordinator of the Brain Damage Service of the Beata María Ana Hospital
Lentitud en el procesamiento de información
PhD in Psychology with a Master in Cognitive Neuropsychology. His teaching experience at the National Distance Education University (UNED) matches up well with his clinical activities as Head of the Brain Damage Services at the Beata María Ana Hospital. His research activity focuses on the areas of attention, executive functions and speed of processing. He also participates in research projects related to magnetic resonance (structural and functional) at the Ruber International Hospital in Madrid. He is the author of different articles as well as books published both nationally and internationally in the field of neuropsychology, neuroimaging, brain injuries and cognitive processes.
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PhD in Neurological Pathology, professor and researcher at the King Juan Carlos University who performs his clinical and healthcare work at the Hospital Universitario Fundación Alcorcón.
Repercusiones funcionales de las apraxias. Descripción clínica y principales estrategias de valoración y tratamiento.
Diploma in Occupational Therapy from the Complutense University of Madrid. Master in Neurological Pathology and PhD in Neurological Pathology (occupational therapy, motor control and acquired brain damage) at the King Juan Carlos University. His career of more than 15 years focuses on the field of acquired brain damage, neurorehabilitation and hand therapy. His credits include publications and research in the area of neurological and physical dysfunction, as well as in the field of neurosciences.
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PhD in Neurosciences and Director of NeuroPed
El papel del neuropsicólogo en atención temprana (0-6 años)
Degree in Clinical Psychology from Comillas Pontifical University (2002). Master in Neurorehabilitation (Institut Guttmann, UAB). Master in Child and Adolescent Clinical Psychology (ILD, Madrid), Doctorate in Neurosciences (DEA, in Complutense University of Madrid).
Lucía Zumárraga‘s professional career of more than 10 years focuses on the field of pediatric clinical psychology and more specifically in the field of disability. Up until 2012, Zumárraga worked in the Neuropsychological and Research Department of the Guttmann Institute of Neurorehabilitation in Barcelona. She is currently the Director at NeuroPed, a Pediatric Neurodevelopment Center.
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Neuropsychologist, researcher and founder and CEO of ineuro®.
¿Qué queremos decir cuando hablamos de transdisciplinariedad? El modelo ineuro®
Pablo Duque is a neuropsychologist and founder and CEO of ineuro®. He carries out his research activities at the University Hospital Virgen Macarena and at the University Hospital Virgen del Rocío. He is also director of the Masters program in Neuropsychology at the Pablo de Olavide University (Spain).
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