La Asociación Síndrome de Down de Castellón aborda el envejecimiento de las personas con síndrome de Down

The Down Syndrome Association of Castellón addresses the aging of people with Down syndrome

2.1kviewsThe Down Syndrome Association of Castellón addresses the aging of people with Down syndrome through NeuronUP.. 1. The Down Syndrome Association of Castellón 1.1 Who are we? This year marks 25 years since, in 1995,…

Qué es la optogenética

What is optogenetics?

10.4kviewsBy Dr. Pablo Barrecheguren Of all the techniques developed in neuroscience over the last few years, optogenetics is probably the one that has most quickly become standardized as a work tool in laboratories. Its use…


Brainbow: How to Colorize a Brain

4.4kviewsBy Dr. Pablo Barrecheguren In 1906, the Nobel Prize in Medicine was shared between Camilo Golgi and Santiago Ramón y Cajal. Golgi was largely awarded for creating a type of staining that marked neurons and…

¿Qué es la magnetorecepción?

What is magnetoreception?

7.2kviewsBy Dr. Pablo Barrecheguren (@pjbarrecheguren) The area of perception is one of the most diverse fields of neuroscience due to the large number of senses that exist in the animal kingdom. Apart from the five…

Ponencia online y en inglés de Amanda Mast y Marty Van Dam sobre resolución de problemas

Ponencia online y en inglés de Amanda Mast y Marty Van Dam sobre resolución de problemas

4.5kviewsLas doctoras Amanda Mast y Marty Van Dam imparten una ponencia online, gratuita y en inglés titulada “Face It to Ace It”, un modelo interdisciplinario de resolución de problemas el próximo  en NeuronUP Academy. Ponencia…

Entrenamiento cognitivo motor uso de tareas duales, realidad virtual y aumentada

Cognitive motor training: use of dual tasks, virtual and augmented reality

8.1kviews(The present document “Cognitive motor training: use of dual tasks, virtual and augmented reality” is based on a free translation of the document entitled “Walking and balance training based on virtual and augmented reality” (1)…

Investigación concluye cambios neuropsicológicos y en el volumen de sustancia gris en pacientes con esclerosis múltiple tras una terapia de rehabilitación cognitiva asistida por ordenador con NeuronUP

Neuropsychological and Brain Grey Matter Volume Chances after Computered-Assited Cognitive Treatment in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis

10.8kviews Authors Julio Plata-Bello, *María Yaiza Pérez-Martín, Montserrat González-Platas, Víctor Fajardo-Santana, Kritsia Sinay Fumero-Revetti Department of Neurosurgery, Hospital Universitario de Canarias, San Cristóbal de La Laguna, Spain *Correspondence to [email protected] Disclosure The authors have declared no conflicts of interest. Citation…

Reserva cognitiva: ¿De qué hablamos cuando hablamos de ella?

Cognitive reserve: what are we talking about when we talk about it?

6.9kviewsThere are those who say that, if the previous century was the century of genetics, the current century is that of the brain. Certainly, as the years of these first decades have gone by, we…