niño con asperger

Asperger Syndrome from the perspective of neuropsychology

29.2kviewsFebruary 18th is International Asperger’s Day, a still relatively unknown disorder among the general population. Today, NeuronUP would like to discuss Asperger’s from a neuropsychological point of view. What is Asperger Syndrome? Asperger Syndrome, a…

clínica neuropsicológica

The neuropsychological clinic: what it is, methodology and objectives

4.6kviewsWhat is the Neuropsychological Clinic? The neuropsychological clinic is based on rehabilitation treatments, stimulation and cognitive training programs through NeuronUP and implementation of behavioral therapeutic techniques and strategies. To establish a personal profile we must…

Encuentro virtual de estudiantes de neuropsicología

Virtual meeting of neuropsychology students from Latin American countries

2.4kviews If your passion is neuropsychology and you are considering training in it, this Saturday 9/05 from 5 to 8 pm (Spanish time) you have an appointment at the first virtual meeting of neuropsychology students….

Tercera ponencia de Javier Tirapu sobre neuropsicología de las funciones ejecutivas

Third presentation by Javier Tirapu on neuropsychology of executive functions

6.4kviewsThe National Clinical Neuroscience Award, Javier Tirapu, will give the third of three free online lectures on neuropsychology of executive functions for NeuronUP Academy. This third presentation will take place on February 6 at 3.30…

Segunda ponencia de Javier Tirapu sobre neuropsicología de las funciones ejecutivas

Second presentation by Javier Tirapu on neuropsychology of executive functions

6.5kviewsThe National Clinical Neuroscience Award, Javier Tirapu, will give the second of two free online lectures on neuropsychology of executive functions for NeuronUP Academy. This second presentation will take place on November 21 at 3.30…

Ponencia gratuita de Javier Tirapu sobre neuropsicologia en funciones ejecutivas

Free lecture (in Spanish) by Javier Tirapu on neuropsychology in executive functions

5.5kviewsThe National Clinical Neuroscience Award, Javier Tirapu, will give two free online lectures on neuropsychology in executive functions for NeuronUP Academy. The first one will take place on October 3rd at 3.30 p.m. (time in…

Curso de terapia manual en pacientes con daño cerebral

I International Symposium on Neuropsychological Rehabilitation

4.8kviewsThe 1stinternational symposium on neuropsychological rehabilitation will be held on 23-24th November 2018 at the Colegio Oficial de Médicos de Alicante (Official College of Physicians of Alicante, Spain). The symposium will be led by Dr….

El neuropsicólogo Aarón F. Del Olmo impartirá una ponencia gratuita sobre neuropsicología en las afasias

The Neuropsychologist Aarón F. Del Olmo Will Give a Presentation on Neuropsychology in Aphasias

6kviewsThe neuropsychologist Aarón Fernández Del Olmo will give a free online presentation on “Neuropsychology in Aphasias: Beyond the Classic Syndromes”. You can sign up now!   SIGN UP FOR PRESENTATION   Information of the free…