
Fun letter game for the little ones – Little Letter Glutton

4.6kviewsThis week we are launching a new children’s activity! The Little Letter Glutton, a very entertaining letter game to work on working memory, and a much desired improvement to another activity. We tell you how…

Nueva ficha de memoria de trabajo

New working memory worksheet

7.2kviewsThis week we have many new features: a new working memory worksheet, an improvement in the ‘Exact Payments’ activity… Keep reading, we’ll tell you all about it! 1. New working memory worksheet Starting today you…

Memoria de trabajo y memoria a corto plazo: distinción y actualización

Working memory and short-term memory: distinction and revision

53.6kviewsOne distinction we usually make when talking about different human memory systems is between working memory and short-term memory. In the existing literature, some authors consider short-term memory to be a subset of working memory,…

Las funciones ejecutivas: qué son, tipos y cómo mejorarlas

Executive functions: what they are, types, and how to improve them

25.8kviewsExecutive functions are higher-order skills involved in the energization, regulation, sound execution and on-line readjustment of goal-directed behaviors (Verdejo-García & Bechara, 2010). In other words, the executive functions are the “tools” that guide our actions,…

5 actividades de estimulación cognitiva para niños que debes conocer

The 5 cognitive stimulation activities for children that you should know about

193.3kviewsOur last blog entry was dedicated to the 5 most popular cognitive stimulation activities for adults. Today’s post focuses on kids. We are about to explain the 5 cognitive stimulation activities for children most used…

NeuronUP vuelve al cole con cuatro nuevas actividades infantiles

Back To School With Four New Activities For Kids

14.6kviews The Back to School reaches NeuronUP with four activities for cognitive exercises for children. A game and three generators focused on basic language and mathematics. Firstly, we present “Find Toby”, a game in which…