
Fun letter game for the little ones – Little Letter Glutton


This week we are launching a new children’s activity! The Little Letter Glutton, a very entertaining letter game to work on working memory, and a much desired improvement to another activity.

We tell you how to get the most out of it:

Letter game for children

We present to you The Little Letter Glutton, a fun game for children to work the alphabet and working memory.

How is it played?

The game consists of eliminating moving letters in alphabetical order. As you advance in level, there will be more elements and therefore, the difficulty will increase.

Here we show you the mechanics of the game:

What cognitive function does this activity work?

This activity works mainly working memory, but also sustained attention, heminegligence and inhibition.

Personalize this letter game

There is a custom mode where you can customize the game with different parameters and aspects like the number of exercises, the order or the movement of the letters.

For example, you can customize the behavior of the cookies 🍪 being able to keep them still and making it easier, or on the contrary, moving and challenging, which is always more fun ✌🏻. It is more difficult than it seems. You have to concentrate and pay attention 😉

Capital and small letters in The Word Guardian

Also, from the comments of several clients, we realize that there are children that prefer to work with capital letters and others with small letters, so we have included this option in The Word Guardian!

This game has been around for a bit, but we have improved it! Now you can swap between lower and upper case letters.

What cognitive function does this activity work?

This worksheet works as a main function working memory and in a secondary way sustained attention, heminegligence and inhibition.

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