Rehabilitación cognitiva para personas con Alzheimer

Cognitive rehabilitation for people with Alzheimer’s disease

14.3kviewsAlzheimer’s disease is relentless. It progresses steadily while we are waiting for a miracle drug to get us out of this nightmare. While we want to remain optimistic, such magic pills may not reach the…

Neurorrehabilitación desde casa, telemedicina

Learning with COVID-19: online neuropsychology

8.7kviewsThe San Lorenzo Comprehensive Center explains its experience in carrying out online neuropsychology treatment during COVID-19. San Lorenzo Comprehensive Center has a multidisciplinary team working in different fields in speech therapy and psychology and neuropsychology….

Ejercicios de rehabilitación cognitiva para personas con esclerosis múltiple

Cognitive rehabilitation exercises for people with multiple sclerosis

8.6kviewsMultiple sclerosis is an autoimmune disease that is caused by an unknown virus or antigen. In this case, our body’s immune system attacks myelin, which is a substance that envelops nerve fibers, allowing the transmission…

10 ejercicios de estimulación cognitiva para personas con Alzheimer

10 Cognitive Rehabilitation Activities for People with Alzheimer’s Disease

225.2kviews  The cognitive rehabilitation exercises described here for persons with Alzheimer’s have been developed by NeuronUP and are available for all those professionals working with our neurorehabilitation web platform. Please keep in mind that these…

combinar la rehabilitación cognitiva presencial y online

Combine face-to-face and online cognitive rehabilitation

4.5kviewsAfter more than two months of Covid-19 confinement many professionals are trying to gradually return to normal by reopening their clinics/practices. An ideal time to do it gradually by combining face-to-face and online cognitive rehabilitation….

El neuropsicólogo Aarón F. Del Olmo impartirá una ponencia gratuita sobre neuropsicología en las afasias

The Neuropsychologist Aarón F. Del Olmo Will Give a Presentation on Neuropsychology in Aphasias

6.1kviewsThe neuropsychologist Aarón Fernández Del Olmo will give a free online presentation on “Neuropsychology in Aphasias: Beyond the Classic Syndromes”. You can sign up now!   SIGN UP FOR PRESENTATION   Information of the free…

El neuropsicólogo Juan Carlos Arango impartirá una ponencia sobre el papel de la familia en la rehabilitación de personas con daño cerebral adquirido

The Neuropsychologist Juan Carlos Arango Will Give a Presentation on the Family´s Role in the Rehabilitation of Persons with Acquired Brain Damage

13.5kviewsThe neuropsychologist Juan Carlos Arango Lasprilla will give a free online presentation on the family´s role in the rehabilitation of persons with acquired brain damage . You can sign up now!   SIGN UP FOR…

El neuropsicólogo Ignacio Sánchez Cubillo impartirá una ponencia sobre rehabilitación neuropsicológica infantil

The Neuropsychologist Ignacio Sánchez Cubillo Will Give a Presentation on Neuropsychological Rehabilitation in Children

9.5kviewsThe neuroopsychologist Ignacio Sánchez Cubillo will give a free online presentation on neuropsychological rehabilitation in children on July 18 at NeuronUP Academy. You can sign up now!   SIGN UP FOR PRESENTATION   Information of…