
The Importance of Vision Screenings in Neurorehabilitation

2.1kviewsGuest poster Dr. Val Neufeld, Lead Occupational Therapist and Remedial Vision Rehabilitation Specialist from Centre for Neuro Skills from Dallas, TX brings us her expertise on the importance of vision screenings in neurorehabilitation: It is…

mindfulness aplicado en terapia

Dr Sheldon Herring – The Conscious Therapist: Mindfulness Applied

3.1kviews Information on the free online presentation Title of the conference: “The Conscious Therapist: Mindfulness Applied”     This NeuronUP Academy presentation was the second of 2 presentations in conjunction with a course for the…

Nuevas propuestas en estimulación sensorial para el tratamiento de los trastornos crónicos de la conciencia

Occupational therapy for patients with acquired brain injury

19.6kviewsToday, the occupational therapist Ángel Sánchez, after explaining in an earlier post the goals and functions of occupational therapy, addresses the role of occupational therapy in patients with acquired brain injury. Occupational therapyis the use of…

Terapia ocupacional: objetivos y funciones

Occupational therapy: Characteristics, goals, and functions

128.6kviewsOccupational Therapy (OT) is a health profession recognized by law (Law 44/2003 of 21 November on the Regulation of Health Professions); entry to occupational therapy practice requires specific university-level education. Occupational therapists, as members of…

The role of the occupational therapist in cognitive stimulation and rehabilitation

The role of the occupational therapist in cognitive stimulation and rehabilitation

6.3kviewsAn occupational therapist, better known as an OT, is a professional who studied in the university in order to get a degree that certified them as a qualified person to perform these activities. Usually can…

¿Para qué sirve un terapeuta ocupacional?

What is occupational therapy good for?

39.8kviewsThe 27th of October is World Occupational Therapist Day, and from our cognitive rehabilitation platform we want to give a shout out to the importance of occupational therapy and its professionals in the rehabilitation and…

Rehabilitación neuropsicológica: ¿Merece la pena?

Neuropsychological rehabilitation: Is it worth it?

6.9kviewsThis question is quite common when the family member of a person with brain damage comes for a consultation. -Hey, but is it worth it? -What exactly does neuropsychological rehabilitation do? Despite the fact that…