Ejercicios de estimulación cognitiva para personas que tienen la enfermedad de Parkinson

10 Cognitive Stimulation Activities for People with Parkinson’s Disease

127.8kviewsNeuronUP has cognitive stimulation exercises to train the cognitive functions most frequently affected in people with Parkinson’s disease: attention, visuospatial skills, information processing speed and, especially, executive function. Cognitive Stimulation Activities for People with Parkinson’s…

Ejercicios de estimulación cognitiva para personas con síndrome de Down

Cognitive stimulation exercises for people with Down syndrome

19.2kviewsDown syndrome is a genetic disorder caused by the presence of an extra chromosome. People with Down syndrome have all or part of a third copy of chromosome 21. Down syndrome is not a disease…

ficha de estimulación cognitiva

The 5 most popular cognitive stimulation activities for adults

101kviewsPair up the figures or Repeated words were some of the most popular activities of cognitive stimulation for adults. At NeuronUP, we do not want to miss out on the opportunity to show you most…

Ejercicios de rehabilitación cognitiva para personas con esclerosis múltiple

Cognitive rehabilitation exercises for people with multiple sclerosis

8.6kviewsMultiple sclerosis is an autoimmune disease that is caused by an unknown virus or antigen. In this case, our body’s immune system attacks myelin, which is a substance that envelops nerve fibers, allowing the transmission…

Actividades para niños con discapacidad intelectual

Activities for children with intellectual disabilities

126.6kviewsIntellectual disability (ID) is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by significant limitations in intellectual functioning and adaptive behavior, which manifest themselves during the developmental period. Causes of intellectual disability ID can have multiple causes: Metabolic; Infectious;…


Fun letter game for the little ones – Little Letter Glutton

4.6kviewsThis week we are launching a new children’s activity! The Little Letter Glutton, a very entertaining letter game to work on working memory, and a much desired improvement to another activity. We tell you how…

Ejercicios de rehabilitación después de un ictus

Exercises for Stroke Patients

71.4kviewsCognitive rehabilitation is crucial for recovery after stroke. Therefore, here we provide you with some exercises for stroke patients , perfect for rehabilitation professionals to work with stroke victims. Exercises for stroke Patients As explained…

Actividades de rehabilitación cognitiva tras un daño cerebral adquirido

Cognitive rehabilitation activities after acquired brain damage

7.8kviewsAcquired brain damage is an injury to brain cells that occurs after birth. It may be due to various causes and, depending on where the damage is located, one or the other processes may be…