Sofía padece el síndrome 5p- o síndrome del maullido de gato

5p- syndrome and effectiveness of neuropsychological rehabilitation: the story of Sofía

28.7kviews What is 5p- syndrome? 5p- syndrome is arare genetic disorder caused by a deletion of part of the short arm of chromosome 5.This condition is characterized bya distinctive cat-like cry inaffectedinfants, due to anomalies of…

diferencias entre la neurorrehabilitación presencial y online

Are there differences between face-to-face and online neurorehabilitation? Case Study

2.3kviewsThe Bolivian company Consultora-Strategia explains the differences between neurorehabilitation in person and online with the example of a girl with low attention span. , Consultora-Strategia is a company made up of professionals with more than…

La rehabilitación y estimulación cognitiva con nuevas tecnologías

Rehabilitation and cognitive stimulation with new technologies

2.7kviewsNeuropsychologist, PhD in Neurosciences and Director of Neuropsychological Services of the Caribbean (SNC), Ivan Cadena, explains how they perform rehabilitation and cognitive stimulation with new technologies in their center in Colombia. Caribbean Neuropsychological Services (CNS)…

Curso de terapia manual en pacientes con daño cerebral

I International Symposium on Neuropsychological Rehabilitation

4.7kviewsThe 1stinternational symposium on neuropsychological rehabilitation will be held on 23-24th November 2018 at the Colegio Oficial de Médicos de Alicante (Official College of Physicians of Alicante, Spain). The symposium will be led by Dr….

El neuropsicólogo Ramón Fernández de Bobadilla responde las dudas pendientes sobre su ponencia

The neuropsychologist Ramón Fernández de Bobadilla addresses the unanswered questions from his presentation

4.1kviewsOn September 25th, the neuropsychologist Ramón Fernández de Bobadilla gave a free online presentation at NeuronUP Academy on cognitive rehabilitation in Parkinson’s disease. After his talk, a question and answer period was held, but due to time limits…

El neuropsicólogo Juan Carlos Arango impartirá una ponencia sobre el papel de la familia en la rehabilitación de personas con daño cerebral adquirido

The Neuropsychologist Juan Carlos Arango Will Give a Presentation on the Family´s Role in the Rehabilitation of Persons with Acquired Brain Damage

13.2kviewsThe neuropsychologist Juan Carlos Arango Lasprilla will give a free online presentation on the family´s role in the rehabilitation of persons with acquired brain damage . You can sign up now!   SIGN UP FOR…

El neuropsicólogo Ramón Fernández de Bobadilla impartirá una ponencia sobre rehabilitación neuropsicológica en la enfermedad de Parkinson

The Neuropsychologist Ramón Fernández de Bobadilla Will Give a Presentation on Neuropsychological Rehabilitation in Parkinson’s Disease

6.7kviewsNeuronUP Academy returns! The neuroopsychologist Ramón Fernández de Bobadilla will give a free online presentation on neuropsychological rehabilitation in Parkinson’s disease on September 25 at NeuronUP Academy. You can sign up now!   SIGN UP FOR…

¡Formación gratuita de NeuronUP!

Sign Up for the Webinar on NeuronUP!

32.2kviewsWould you like to learn more about our rehabilitation and cognitive stimulation platform for professionals?   Every week we offer live conversations online for individuals or small groups to explain all that NeuronUP has to…