El neuropsicólogo Ramón Fernández de Bobadilla impartirá una ponencia sobre rehabilitación neuropsicológica en la enfermedad de Parkinson

The Neuropsychologist Ramón Fernández de Bobadilla Will Give a Presentation on Neuropsychological Rehabilitation in Parkinson’s Disease


NeuronUP Academy returns! The neuroopsychologist Ramón Fernández de Bobadilla will give a free online presentation on neuropsychological rehabilitation in Parkinson’s disease on September 25 at NeuronUP Academy. You can sign up now!




Information of the Free Online Presentation

Title of the conference: Neuropsychological rehabilitation in Parkinson’s disease

Date: 09/25/2018


  • New York: 9.30. a. m
  • London: 2.30 p. m




Ramón Fernández de Bobadilla Profile

Bachelor of Psychology (University of Deusto, 2008). Master en Neuropsychology (Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, 2010). Master in Neuropsychological Rehabilitation and Cognitive Stimulation (Institut Guttmann-UAB, 2011). Resident in Neuropsychology at the Neurology Service in the Hospital de Sant Pau in Barcelona. (2008-11). Doctor of Medicine (Autonomous University of  Barcelona, 2017).

Since 2016 he has been in charge of the neuropsychology services at the Centro Neurológico de Navarra (Neurological Center of Navarra) neuropsychological evaluation and monitoring of neurorehabilitation treatment in patients with neurological affectation. He previously worked as a neuropsychologist and researcher in the Movement Disorders Unit of the Sant Pau Hospital in Barcelona (2011-16). He is also a consultant professor in the Master course of Neuropsychology at the Open University of Catalonia.

What is NeuronUP Academy?

The platform of neurorehabilitation NeuronUP launches NeuronUP Academy, a training academy geared towards professionals working in rehabilitation and cognitive stimulation.

This initiative was born with the idea that neurorehabilitation professionals expand their knowledge by attending free training provided by national and international authorities in the field of rehabilitation and cognitive stimulation.

This online academy is open to all professionals and students involved in processes of rehabilitation and cognitive stimulation and there will be exclusive training for NeuronUP users.

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Confirmed Speakers Include:

  • Ramón Fernández de Bobadilla
  • Aarón F. Del Olmo
  • Juan Carlos Arango
  • Ignacio Sánchez Cubillo
  • José López
  • Pablo Duque (finished presentation)
  • Lucía Zumárraga (finished presentation)
  • Ángel Sánchez Cabeza(finished presentation)
  • Marcos Ríos (finished presentation)
  • Elena Muñoz (finished presentation)
  • Rafael Rodiguez (finished presentation)

We are sure their presentations will be very interesting!

If you want to know more about NeuronUP Academy speakers, visit the following link: https://blog.neuronup.com/en/neuronup-academy-neurorehabilitation/


2 thoughts on “The Neuropsychologist Ramón Fernández de Bobadilla Will Give a Presentation on Neuropsychological Rehabilitation in Parkinson’s Disease

  1. Francisca Marín Sunday September 30th, 2018 at 04:27 PM

    Estimados Señores:
    Muy lamentablemente no pude acudir a la conferencia on line del Dr. Ramón Fenandez con el tema Rehabilitación Neuropsicológica en la enfermedad de Parkinson. por favor, solicito a Ustedes muy comedidamente si aún tienen la conferencia grabada les pido el gran favor de enviarme a mi E mail: [email protected] Muchas gracias, por favor no dejen de hacerlo. Muchas gracias.
    Att. Francisca Marín C.

    • NeuronUP Monday October 1st, 2018 at 09:27 AM

      Buenos días Francisca,

      ¡Muchas gracias por tu interés en acudir a las formaciones online de NeuronUP Academy!Respecto a la conferencia, todas las ponencias de NeuronUP Academy se comparten EN EXCLUSIVA PARA LOS CLIENTES DE NEURONUP en la sección “Academy de la plataforma”. La de Ramón Fernández de Bobadilla se incluirá próximamente.

      No dudes en ponerte en contacto con nosotros para cualquier duda o si quieres conocer nuestra plataforma de neurorrehabilitación.

      ¡Un saludo!

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