Intervención psicoeducativa en TDAH

Psychoeducational intervention in ADHD

4.4kviewsBy: M. Carmen Moreno Blasco, neuropsychologist expert in childhood and adolescence at UDAC-CTI Elche, and Dr. Ángela Sempere, neuropediatrician and coordinator of UDAC-CTI Elche On the occasion of Universal Children’s Day, CIT, Centre de Teràpia Interfamiliar,…

tres personas con síndrome de down

Cognitive intervention in people with Down syndrome

6.2kviewsBy Aura Fundación In September 2017, the Aura Foundation began the implementation and adaptation of the NeuronUP program for people with Down syndrome and other intellectual disabilities. One of the main reasons why we chose…

NeuronUP para trabajar funciones ejecutivas en TDAH: el caso de "G"

NeuronUP to work executive functions in ADHD: the case of “G”

1.8kviewsBy Cinthia Macedo Ruiz, learning therapist from CITPA The Centro Interdisciplinario para la Atención del TDAH y Problemas de Aprendizaje (CITPA) is a place in Toluca (Mexico), formed by different specialists that includes therapists for all…

El Síndrome X frágil contado desde dentro

Fragile X syndrome as told from an insider

4.1kviewsWhat is fragile X syndrome? Fragile X syndrome (FXS) is an inherited genetic conditioncaused by a defect in the FMR1 gene located on the X chromosome; this gene provides instructions for making a protein called…