
Fun letter game for the little ones – Little Letter Glutton

4.6kviewsThis week we are launching a new children’s activity! The Little Letter Glutton, a very entertaining letter game to work on working memory, and a much desired improvement to another activity. We tell you how…

10 Actividades de rehabilitación cognitiva para niños con TDAH

Cognitive rehabilitation activities for children with ADHD

168.3kviewsWe have already talked about the symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of ADHD and today, on the occasion of ADHD World Awareness Day, NeuronUP recommends cognitive rehabilitation activities for children with ADHD. The following exercises are mainly focused on executive…

¿Qué es la atención? Problemas y actividades para trabajar la atención

What is attention? Problems and activities to train attention

21.6kviewsDefinition of attention Attention is the process of directing cognitive resources towards certain aspects of the environment, or towards the execution of certain actions that seem most appropriate. It refers to the state of observation…

Deterioro de la atención sostenida y rehabilitación - Sustained attention impairment and rehabilitation

Sustained attention impairment and rehabilitation

24.9kviewsWhat is attention? Attention is a basic, multidimensional cognitive ability, essential for information processing[1].On the one hand, it is considered basic because it is essential for the correct functioning of higher-order psychological processes such as…

Cinco ejercicios para trabajar la atención

Five exercises to improve attention

239.4kviewsYou need to train your attention in order to improve it. Here are some exercises to improve attention in children and adults developed by NeuronUP: Exercises to improve attention 1. Matching Shapes This first activity is…

Problemas de atención: qué son, tipos y síntomas

Attention problems: what are they, types and symptoms

49.2kviewsWe live in a time in which we are swamped with stimuli that make it difficult for us to maintain attention on a task. It is becoming more common to watch a movie while reading…

NeuronUP vuelve al cole con cuatro nuevas actividades infantiles

Back To School With Four New Activities For Kids

14.6kviews The Back to School reaches NeuronUP with four activities for cognitive exercises for children. A game and three generators focused on basic language and mathematics. Firstly, we present “Find Toby”, a game in which…