Rehabilitación cognitiva para personas con Alzheimer

Cognitive rehabilitation for people with Alzheimer’s disease

14.3kviewsAlzheimer’s disease is relentless. It progresses steadily while we are waiting for a miracle drug to get us out of this nightmare. While we want to remain optimistic, such magic pills may not reach the…

Percepción visual en la enfermedad de Alzheimer

Visual perception in Alzheimer’s disease

4kviewsVisual perception in Alzheimer’s disease by Ángel Martínez We can begin this article by agreeing that the most common form of onset Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is characterized by an early and prominent deterioration of episodic…

ficha de estimulación cognitiva

The 5 most popular cognitive stimulation activities for adults

101kviewsPair up the figures or Repeated words were some of the most popular activities of cognitive stimulation for adults. At NeuronUP, we do not want to miss out on the opportunity to show you most…

10 ejercicios de estimulación cognitiva para personas con Alzheimer

10 Cognitive Rehabilitation Activities for People with Alzheimer’s Disease

225.2kviews  The cognitive rehabilitation exercises described here for persons with Alzheimer’s have been developed by NeuronUP and are available for all those professionals working with our neurorehabilitation web platform. Please keep in mind that these…

vuelta al cole de NeuronUP

New Back to School activities on NeuronUP

2.8kviewsThe return to school comes to NeuronUP with new activities and many improvements enhanced by you, our clients! Here’s a look at the news so you can get the most out of our platform! 1. New…

¡¡¡Trabaja la memoria semántica con la nueva ficha de NeuronUP!!!

Work semantic memory with the new NeuronUP worksheet!

4.7kviewsToday we are releasing a card created to work on semantic memory. Its name is Relate characteristic-item. How is it played? Patients have to point out the characteristics that correspond to each element. Like all…

Estrenamos generador infantil para trabajar la memoria semántica

New generator for children to work on semantic memory – Tidy Up the Mess

13.2kviewsThis week at  NeuronUP we debut a new kids generator to work semantic memory. How is it played? The child has to relate the images to their corresponding categories. In addition, the categories are related…

Todo sobre la memoria

All about memory

6.7kviewsBy Dr. Pablo Barrecheguren (@pjbarrecheguren) We tend to think of our intellectual capacities as single chunks and yet abilities such as memory are rather a structure made up of different compartments. All of them are…