Pintando el alzhéimer

Painting Alzheimer’s

9.9kviewsBy Dr. Pablo Barrecheguren (@pjbarrecheguren) All artists sign their work, however, by the end of 1999, William Utermohlen could barely remember his signature. Born in Philadelphia (1933), William was a famous American artist living in…

La memoria y sus sistemas: un concepto no unitario

Memory and its systems: a non-unitary concept

11.7kviewsHuman adaptation to environmental demands is based on memory, one basic cognitive ability. In fact, this cognitive process is studied across different fields of knowledge, not only psychology. Since the unitary concept of memory—which defined…

6 ejercicios para mejorar la memoria

6 activities to improve memory

251.5kviews“Memory is the diary that we all carry about with us”, Oscar Wilde once wrote. Memory is the storage of information and personal experiences. It gives us the capability to learn and adapt. Thanks to…

El fenómeno de la confabulación (Vol. II): modelos teóricos

Confabulations (Vol. II): theoretical models

4.5kviewsConfabulations can be defined as false memories due to a retrieval problem, where the patient is unaware that he/she is confabulating and has the belief that the memory is true[1]. In a previous post, the classification,…

El fenómeno de la confabulación (Vol. I): clasificaciones, neuropatología y mecanismos cognitivos

Confabulations (Vol. I): classification, neuropathology and cognitive mechanisms

9.5kviewsConfabulationis a cognitive phenomenon that can be seen in several acquired neurological conditionsas well asin some psychiatric disorders. Although the term confabulation is currently used to refer to false perceptions of body states or the…

Mecanismos cognitivos del aprendizaje sin error

The cognitive mechanisms of errorless learning

13.3kviewsErrorless learning (EL)is a commonly used technique in memory, rehabilitation given the advantage it hasfor patients with amnesia over traditional learning, which allows to make errors and takes advantage of them. However, there is evidence that…

Los restos de un naufragio: memoria afectiva y Alzheimer

The remains from a shipwreck: emotional memory and Alzheimer’s

8.1kviewsThe remains from a shipwreck. That’s what I like to call what Alzheimer´s doesn’t take away. And that is, in a way, the representation of what outlasts the disease after such a tremendous tsunami of destruction….

Memoria de trabajo y memoria a corto plazo: distinción y actualización

Working memory and short-term memory: distinction and revision

53.7kviewsOne distinction we usually make when talking about different human memory systems is between working memory and short-term memory. In the existing literature, some authors consider short-term memory to be a subset of working memory,…