Fichas de memoria para mayores

Memory games for seniors: Worksheets for improving memory

34.5kviewsA couple of weeks ago, our blog entry focused on worksheets for improving attention and memory in children and adults. In today’s post, we introduce 5 memory exercises for older adults developed by NeuronUP. 5…

Fichas de atención y memoria para niños y adultos

Worksheets for improving attention and memory in children and adults

127.2kviewsWorksheets for improving attention and memory are vital when training these cognitive functions in both children and adults. But why is it important to train attention and memory? Attention is the ability that allows us to…

Memoria corporizada: Influencia de la postura corporal en la memoria autobiográfica

Embodied memory: The influence of body posture on autobiographical memory

11.8kviewsIn cognitive science, everyone seems to be talking about embodied cognition; a concept involving the claim that states of the body modify states of the mind [1]. As seen in a previous post, it has…

5 actividades de estimulación cognitiva para niños que debes conocer

The 5 cognitive stimulation activities for children that you should know about

193.3kviewsOur last blog entry was dedicated to the 5 most popular cognitive stimulation activities for adults. Today’s post focuses on kids. We are about to explain the 5 cognitive stimulation activities for children most used…

La red en reposo. Implicaciones en Alzheimer, esquizofrenia y autismo

Default Mode Network. Implications in Alzheimer’s, schizophrenia and autism

6.9kviewsDefault Mode Network (DMN) can be defined as a baseline of neuronal activity [1] that occurs when the subject has thoughts that are not directed toward a goal. It was discovered from the degree of…