Nuevas propuestas en estimulación sensorial para el tratamiento de los trastornos crónicos de la conciencia

New sensory stimulation treatment options for patients with chronic disorders of consciousness

12.7kviewsSensory stimulation programs have a long history of being used in neurorehabilitation, as they are one of the most commonly used treatment options for addressing global disorders of consciousness after severe brain injury [1]. These…

Guía Breve para la Revisión de Literatura sobre Apraxias Vol. 2

Brief guide to reviewing literature on apraxia Vol. 2

9.9kviewsDo you sometimes get lost while reading different articles and books on apraxia? This is the second installment of a brief guide to reviewing literature on apraxia, designed to make it easier for professionals and…

Rehabilitación de la atención dividida

Rehabilitation of divided attention

23.4kviewsWhat is divided attention? Divided attention is the last and highest level of attention inthe clinical model proposed by Sohlberg and Mateer1, in which different levels of attention are organized in a hierarchical fashion; hence,…

Malformación de Chiari tipo I. Caso clínico.

Chiari Malformation Type I. A Clinical Case.

16.6kviewsBefore presenting the clinical case, I will give a brief explanation of Chiari malformation. What is Chiari malformation? Chiari malformation is thought to be the result of incomplete development at the lower rear of the…

Portada » Divulgación » El funcionamiento social en la esquizofrenia EspañolEnglish esquizofrenia - schizophrenia El funcionamiento social en la esquizofrenia

Social functioning in schizophrenia

11.5kviewsInterpersonal difficulties have been widely described in individuals with psychosis spectrum disorders and, specifically, they are a major feature of schizophrenia. The most common social deficits include, for example, problems in conversing, managing conflict, or…

Deterioro de la atención sostenida y rehabilitación - Sustained attention impairment and rehabilitation

Sustained attention impairment and rehabilitation

24.9kviewsWhat is attention? Attention is a basic, multidimensional cognitive ability, essential for information processing[1].On the one hand, it is considered basic because it is essential for the correct functioning of higher-order psychological processes such as…

Sistema de Neuronas Espejo: función, disfunción y propuestas de rehabilitación

Mirror Neuron System: Function, Dysfunction and Rehabilitation Proposals

33.5kviewsDefinition of the mirror neuron system Neuroanatomy of the mirror neuron system motor/imitation : There are two main neuronal networks that make up the mirror neuron system (Cattaneo & Rizzolati, 2008): one formed by areas…

¿Para qué sirve un terapeuta ocupacional?

What is occupational therapy good for?

39.1kviewsThe 27th of October is World Occupational Therapist Day, and from our cognitive rehabilitation platform we want to give a shout out to the importance of occupational therapy and its professionals in the rehabilitation and…