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Online Speech Therapy with NeuronUP: Speech Therapy Exercises

Logopedia, niña trabajando con NeuronUP


Speech therapist Marian Alonso García explains how she uses NeuronUP’s speech therapy exercises in the treatment of their patients and how they work with online speech therapy.

What is Speech Therapy? Speech Therapy Definition

Speech therapy is the discipline that deals with the study, diagnosis, rehabilitation and prevention of human communication disorders and associated functions.

In a speech therapy office we can find a wide range of pathologies, in which each patient has his or her personal characteristics and the same strategies do not have to work in similar cases.

Treatment in Speech Therapy

We speech therapists work with:

Speech therapy material

The cases in which the resources to work are more elaborated and personalized are those that have to do with basic learning, language and development or cognitive and social skills. What takes us the most time is to “manufacture” or obtain speech therapy material and resources that work specifically on the objectives we want to achieve with each patient. And that this material is adapted to the age, need, cognitive level and tastes of each patient.

How does NeuronUP help us? Speech therapy exercises

NeuronUP is a tool that facilitates our work when elaborating or acquiring dynamic, updated and striking material for patients. Being able to work through a single program exercises of attention, memory, language, logic … among others

That is to say, the work of looking for resources to achieve the objective is much easier. Since they are digital or paper activities specific to each area of work. The digital activities are very attractive because they are developed as a game.

Speech Therapy Online: Speech Therapy at Home

Another of the advantages of NeuronUP in these times in which we have had to reinvent ourselves with online sessions, is that it allows the patient to manage the activities from home, that is, to do speech therapy activities from home.

A session to work with a patient with dyslexia, for example, through a screen could be very difficult having to create in a digital format while creating content that is easily worked and stimulating. With this program you can work texts, words, letters… in a simple way for the patient but also for us.  The most commented to us regarding NeuronUP during the quarantine was how well developed the online sessions were and the great amount of time saved that the specialists invested in elaborating the sessions and how great they looked.

How do we work?

In our office the working methodology follows three basic principles for us:

1. Evaluation

Evaluations are performed periodically to objectively assess the patient’s progress.

2. Treatment: adult speech therapy and child speech therapy

The treatment is carried out on a weekly basis, preferably through face-to-face sessions and in some cases online, in which we work on the objectives set for each case using current and innovative material to make it attractive to both the adult and child patient.

3. Implication

And we use the family involvement to generalize the learning in daily life, it does not help us that the patient is able to solve their difficulties within the sessions but that later at home still does not introduce these new learnings.

In this last point we use for some cases NeuronUP2GO (sessions for home), designing sessions so that they can work at home with a family member so that they can help or get involved in the user’s work.

With perseverance and work it is always improved, and we like to use the phrase “The impossible only takes a little longer” when a new case comes to our practice because it is applicable to each and every one of the pathologies we work on.

Marian Alonso García

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