Rehabilitación cognitiva para personas con Alzheimer

Cognitive rehabilitation for people with Alzheimer’s disease

14.3kviewsAlzheimer’s disease is relentless. It progresses steadily while we are waiting for a miracle drug to get us out of this nightmare. While we want to remain optimistic, such magic pills may not reach the…

Personas con síndrome de Down

Myths and truths about Down Syndrome

33.8kviewsThere are many myths and misconceptions about people with Down syndrome. On World Down Syndrome Day, NeuronUP would like to take this opportunity to debunk false beliefs and promote social integration of people with this syndrome….

Intervención psicoeducativa en TDAH

Psychoeducational intervention in ADHD

4.4kviewsBy: M. Carmen Moreno Blasco, neuropsychologist expert in childhood and adolescence at UDAC-CTI Elche, and Dr. Ángela Sempere, neuropediatrician and coordinator of UDAC-CTI Elche On the occasion of Universal Children’s Day, CIT, Centre de Teràpia Interfamiliar,…

tres personas con síndrome de down

Cognitive intervention in people with Down syndrome

6.1kviewsBy Aura Fundación In September 2017, the Aura Foundation began the implementation and adaptation of the NeuronUP program for people with Down syndrome and other intellectual disabilities. One of the main reasons why we chose…

Ejercicios de estimulación cognitiva para personas que tienen la enfermedad de Parkinson

10 Cognitive Stimulation Activities for People with Parkinson’s Disease

127.9kviewsNeuronUP has cognitive stimulation exercises to train the cognitive functions most frequently affected in people with Parkinson’s disease: attention, visuospatial skills, information processing speed and, especially, executive function. Cognitive Stimulation Activities for People with Parkinson’s…

Ejercicios de estimulación cognitiva para personas con síndrome de Down

Cognitive stimulation exercises for people with Down syndrome

19.2kviewsDown syndrome is a genetic disorder caused by the presence of an extra chromosome. People with Down syndrome have all or part of a third copy of chromosome 21. Down syndrome is not a disease…

Down Madrid

Down Madrid tells us its experience with telerehabilitation

1.2kviewsThe Down Syndrome Foundation of Madrid counts on its experience with NeuronUP and the opportunity that telerehabilitation represents for both professionals and patients. The work of Down Madrid The Madrid Down Syndrome Foundation is an…

clínica neuropsicológica

The neuropsychological clinic: what it is, methodology and objectives

4.3kviewsWhat is the Neuropsychological Clinic? The neuropsychological clinic is based on rehabilitation treatments, stimulation and cognitive training programs through NeuronUP and implementation of behavioral therapeutic techniques and strategies. To establish a personal profile we must…