
Cognitive Rehabilitation after a Stroke

34.4kviewsStroke is a cerebrovascular disease that occurs when a blood vessel supplying blood to the brain bursts or is clogged by a blood clot or some other particle. If the blood supply which carries oxygen…

Ejercicios de rehabilitación después de un ictus

Exercises for Stroke Patients

71.4kviewsCognitive rehabilitation is crucial for recovery after stroke. Therefore, here we provide you with some exercises for stroke patients , perfect for rehabilitation professionals to work with stroke victims. Exercises for stroke Patients As explained…

mindfulness aplicado en terapia

Dr Sheldon Herring – The Conscious Therapist: Mindfulness Applied

3kviews Information on the free online presentation Title of the conference: “The Conscious Therapist: Mindfulness Applied”     This NeuronUP Academy presentation was the second of 2 presentations in conjunction with a course for the…

Famosos con enfermedades neurológicas y mentales

Celebrities with neurological and mental disorders

39.6kviewsWhether you are rich or poor, famous or not, we can all be affected by illness. Athletes, politicians, actors, singers, etc.: illness does not discriminate. Today, we will address the neurological and mental disorders suffered…

4 Causas Infrecuentes del ictus

4 Perplexing Main Rare Causes of Stroke

10.3kviewsStroke is a chief cause of death- the third in the U.S with statistics citing about 140,000 fatalities annually. The condition occurs when there is a problem with the blood vessels like blockage (ischemic) or a leak…