Resumen del 1er Congreso de la Sociedad Colombiana de Neuropsicología

Summary of the 1st Congress of the Colombian Society of Neuropsychology

10.9kviewsThe 1st Congress of the Colombian Society of Neuropsychology took place between September 21 and 23, 2017, with the aim of disseminating scientific advances made in Colombia in the field of neuropsychology, as well as…


Professional neurorehabilitation Ehealth software application

Two neurorehabilitation professionals give us their vision about the NeuronUP application, our professional cognitive stimulation platform. Javier Tomás Romero, a neuropsychologist working with NeuronUP and Marta Rubio, a psychologist who uses our software in her…

La esclerosis múltiple alza la voz

Multiple Sclerosis Raises Its Voice

16.9kviewsNeither the cause nor the cure of multiple sclerosis are known at present. Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic autoimmune and neurodegenerative disease that affects the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord). On World Multiple…

¿Sabes que las personas con Parkinson sufren deterioro cognitivo?

200 years of Parkinson’s disease

11.2kviewsSince 1997 on April 11 th each year, World Parkinson’s Disease Day is celebrated as a way to raise awareness about the symptoms and needs of people who suffer from this disease. In 1817, the British…

Deterioro cognitivo leve en la enfermedad de Parkinson

Mild cognitive impairment in Parkinson’s disease

22.7kviewsIf you are a professional working in the field of neurodegeneration, and especially if you work in the field of neuropsychology, you surely know that Parkinson’s disease goes far beyond tremor and muscle rigidity. Parkinson’s, in…

El poder real de la música. Efectos terapéuticos de la música en el cerebro

The Power of Music

12.3kviews[yasr_visitor_votes size=”medium”]   Therapeutic effects of music Who hasn’t ever turned on the music while driving so as not to fall asleep? Who hasn’t tried to learn something by heart by singing it to a…

eHealth somos todos

We all are eHealth

9.3kviewsLast week we attended the I Tomando el Pulso a la Salud Digital Meeting (Checking the Pulse of eHealth) organized by the eHealth Association. For those who don´t know it, this Association´s objective is to…