Agnosia visual (o no entender lo que estás viendo)

Visual Agnosia: Seeing Without Recognition

66.1kviewsHave you ever found yourself struggling to understand an image without being able to? Have you tried perhaps to find some similarity between what you see and some well-known object, in an attempt to make…

10 ejercicios para estimular el lenguaje

10 Exercises for Improving Language

179kviewsLanguages one of the main cognitive functions that allows us to produce, communicate, and understand ideas through sounds, symbols and/or gestures. In other owrds, language is ‘the result of a complex nervous activity that allows…

Afasia: diagnósitco diferencial

Aphasia: Differential Diagnosis

34kviewsAphasia is the loss or impairment of language function caused by braindamage [1] that is typically associated with lesions in the language-dominan themisphere (the lef themisphere for 96% of right-handed and 70% of left-handed individuals…

¿Sabes que las personas con Parkinson sufren deterioro cognitivo?

200 years of Parkinson’s disease

11.2kviewsSince 1997 on April 11 th each year, World Parkinson’s Disease Day is celebrated as a way to raise awareness about the symptoms and needs of people who suffer from this disease. In 1817, the British…

Ejercicios para trabajar las praxias

Exercises to improve praxis

87.1kviewsPraxis refers to learned motor activity. In other words, praxis is the generation of volitional movement for the performance of a particular action or towards achieving a goal. Today, we recommend five exercises to improve…

5 Fichas de estimulación cognitiva para trabajar las gnosias

Cognitive stimulation worksheets to improve gnosis

80.8kviewsGnosis is the ability of the brain to recognize previously learned information such as objects, persons, or places collected from our senses. Thanks to this ability, we can recognize the voice of a relative, identify…

¡Apúntate al webinar sobre NeuronUP!

Sign up for the webinar on NeuronUP!

9.8kviewsThis Wednesday you will have the chance to become more informed about our platform of cognitive rehabilitation and stimulation thanks to a webinar organized by TEA Ediciones Would you like to learn more about our…

5 Actividades para mejorar las funciones ejecutivas

Activities to improve executive functions

191.6kviewsAs we promised, today we are sharing some activities to improve executive functions. Activities to improve executive functions:      1. Bottle Caps In this exercise, clients have to arrange the moving bottle caps in…