Licenciado en Psicología (Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca),Máster en Psicología Forense(Asociación Española de Psicología Conductual), Máster en Neurociencia (Universidad de Granada) y Máster en Neuropsicología (Universidad de Salamanca).

Sistema de Neuronas Espejo: función, disfunción y propuestas de rehabilitación

Mirror Neuron System: Function, Dysfunction and Rehabilitation Proposals

33.5kviewsDefinition of the mirror neuron system Neuroanatomy of the mirror neuron system motor/imitation : There are two main neuronal networks that make up the mirror neuron system (Cattaneo & Rizzolati, 2008): one formed by areas…

Diez aspectos clave si planteas una tecnología sociosanitaria

Ten key points to consider in socio-sanitary technology development

6.1kviewsWhen thinking about product development, it’s important to use a multidisciplinary approach. Doing so allows for the consideration of relevant issues which will lead to an integrated product, which is not only more attractive to…

Nosotros tampoco creemos en los videojuegos. Sobre valores ecológicos en rehabilitación

We don’t believe in videogames. About ecological validity in neuropsychological rehabilitation

6.6kviewsLast month we had the opportunity to share ideas regarding neuropsychological rehabilitation and new technologies with a lot of professionals at the INS Mid-Year Meeting in Amsterdam. It was a very interesting meeting in which…

La red en reposo. Implicaciones en Alzheimer, esquizofrenia y autismo

Default Mode Network. Implications in Alzheimer’s, schizophrenia and autism

6.9kviewsDefault Mode Network (DMN) can be defined as a baseline of neuronal activity [1] that occurs when the subject has thoughts that are not directed toward a goal. It was discovered from the degree of…

Rehabilitación neuropsicológica: ¿Merece la pena?

Neuropsychological rehabilitation: Is it worth it?

7kviewsThis question is quite common when the family member of a person with brain damage comes for a consultation. -Hey, but is it worth it? -What exactly does neuropsychological rehabilitation do? Despite the fact that…