What is optogenetics?
10.4kviewsBy Dr. Pablo Barrecheguren Of all the techniques developed in neuroscience over the last few years, optogenetics is probably the one that has most quickly become standardized as a work tool in laboratories. Its use…
10.4kviewsBy Dr. Pablo Barrecheguren Of all the techniques developed in neuroscience over the last few years, optogenetics is probably the one that has most quickly become standardized as a work tool in laboratories. Its use…
4.4kviewsBy Dr. Pablo Barrecheguren In 1906, the Nobel Prize in Medicine was shared between Camilo Golgi and Santiago Ramón y Cajal. Golgi was largely awarded for creating a type of staining that marked neurons and…
7.2kviewsBy Dr. Pablo Barrecheguren (@pjbarrecheguren) The area of perception is one of the most diverse fields of neuroscience due to the large number of senses that exist in the animal kingdom. Apart from the five…
7.8kviewsBy Dr. Pablo Barrecheguren (@pjbarrecheguren) One of the biggest obstacles facing neuroscience is the difficulty of obtaining in vivo information from a human brain. Certainly there are techniques, such as functional magnetic resonance or intracranial…
6.7kviewsBy Dr. Pablo Barrecheguren (@pjbarrecheguren) We tend to think of our intellectual capacities as single chunks and yet abilities such as memory are rather a structure made up of different compartments. All of them are…
5.5kviewsBy Dr. Pablo Barrecheguren (@pjbarrecheguren) Nowadays, the video game industry is one of the most important in the world, with a large part of the population consuming this type of product (e.g., 42% of the…
5.3kviewsBy Dr. Pablo Barrecheguren (@pjbarrecheguren) Of the five senses, smelling is perhaps the least valued nowadays, even when we all have strong emotional memories associated with some odor. For example, we all remember our grandparents’…
9.9kviewsBy Dr. Pablo Barrecheguren (@pjbarrecheguren) All artists sign their work, however, by the end of 1999, William Utermohlen could barely remember his signature. Born in Philadelphia (1933), William was a famous American artist living in…